Thursday, March 08, 2007


Watched the movie '300'.
it's an adaptation of the comic of the same name by frank miller.

it's the story of the battle of thermopylae.
it's abt a battle between a greek army made up of 300 spartan hoplites and a huge persian army outnumbering
the spartans a good 1000 to1 at least.
more details at wiki.

watched it w peter... and shortly after he arrived (he was late),
he was telling me abt the how the spartan mothers will tell their sons,
"Return with shield or upon it."

and wat will u know, the queen of sparta says the exact same line to the king, Leonidas.

the movie's pretty graphic as in lots of gore. (war movie wad.)
but it's worth watching for the cinematography and fight scenes...

but guess it's a very guy movie... so every guy shd go catch it...
it's so good i'm prepared to fork out money to watch it again coz i missed some bits when i went out to pick peter up.

think for the ladies, the reason u shd watch it is u'll get to see lots of grown men half naked all the time, sporting 6 packs and pecs.
there's one scene where u see a whole lot of them walking down...

as peter says in his msn nick... this movie gets 4.5/5 popcorn.
so go catch it when it opens tom.
caught e sneak peek at westmall... hehe.