Went to candy empire on wed to buy stuff for my christmas goodie bags which i'm giving out this year.
happily picked out chocs and stuff to make abt 60 goodie bags...
brought it the cashier. the whole lot weighed in at 2.634 kg.
and at $3.80/ 100gms, the total damn was a whopping $100.
i was stunned for a while looking at the final price. so i did a double check on my hp calculator.
and e amt was correct.
so paid for the heavy chocs and met up w my frens from finexis at parkview square.
and the timing couldn't have been better coz the building was having a tenants' nite so there was free food and drinks at the lobby.
so got free dinner... hehehe...
spent thur morning and early afternoon packing my goodie bags...
realized dat 60 seems to be damn a lot, i only made 50.
partly also coz due to a miscalculation on my part,
i din have enough ingredients for 60 goodie bags.
but think it's still quite a lot.
kinda looking forward to christmas.
went to check out Next at holland v for a haircut.
tho it's my most expensive haircut @ $35. i think the treatment i get there is so very much different from the other places i've been.
the scalp massage lasted a good 10mins i think...
u get a choice of orange, coke or iced tea for ur drink.
u get to sit in nice armchairs as opposed to the salon kind of seats we often see.
plus i got a free bottle of au de parfum... but i think dat's like their christmas gift for their clients.
i sound like damn cheapskate hor...
but no choice leh. 2 months of staying in sg, with no offshore allowance to boost my income for the month, have to b a little frugal.
later tonite gona spend money again liao... dinner w stefette, justin, tweebo and apu.
den off to duno where to celebrate cheryl's birthday.
note to stefette and tweebo:
i is not saying i dun want to spend time w u all hor.
esp tweebo... always so sensitive one... always think i angry...
i look like the angry type of person meh?!
think sat is gona b a nice stay home day...
ok... mayb i'll go get a nice mani. hehe. must look good ma.
bought a vest from guess. gona try to pull off the prep school, geeky look...
we'll see how it goes on sunday when i go for midnight mass...
okie den... see u all soon...
enjoy ur christmas... and dun forget to spread god's love to everyone ard you.
coz he gave his life for love of u and me.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wet, Wet, Wet
It was a very wet day yesterday...
raining since the morning and lasting all through the nite.
and to cap it all off, I woke up to a blackout in the house.
called singapore power to check and was told dat the town council is working on the power outage.
so juz stayed home and waited for the power to come back on.
duno for how long the power was out. hope nothing in the fridge goes bad.
power is now back on for abt an hr now... everything seems to b working fine.
and looking out of the window, i saw a glimmer of hope... dat e rain might want to take a break.

have a good day, everyone.
raining since the morning and lasting all through the nite.
and to cap it all off, I woke up to a blackout in the house.
called singapore power to check and was told dat the town council is working on the power outage.
so juz stayed home and waited for the power to come back on.
duno for how long the power was out. hope nothing in the fridge goes bad.
power is now back on for abt an hr now... everything seems to b working fine.
and looking out of the window, i saw a glimmer of hope... dat e rain might want to take a break.
have a good day, everyone.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hainanese Adventure
5 days in hainan,
the holiday was quite alrite...
but it was a good time to relax, slow things down and spend bonding time w my frens.
first thing we noticed was how cooling hainan was upon arrival at the airport.
and tho it looked like it was threatening to rain, it never did.
after a couple of days, we realized dat the sun shines from abt 10am-3pm.
after 3pm, the clouds start to come in and it looks like the sun is preparing to set.
we started our holiday on the 2nd day with a trip to
万泉河 for a river drifting adventure.
had thought dat it was some river rafting thingy like u see on tv.
so din bring my camera along. but it turned out to b a not so scary ride.
and there were v nice views of the mountains.
but the travelling to and from the place was horrid.
it was a terrible, bumpy, boring 4hr drive to the destination and another 3.5hrs
back to the hotel. dat was the killer.
so much so we din wana go out v far the next day.
so we all juz chilled at the beach dat was juz rite outside the hotel.
being the suaku dat i am coz i've not travelled much,
it was quite a sight to see nice big waves crashing in towards the beach.
so spent almost the whole afternoon, lounging in the sun,
and swimming over the waves.
den we all went to the town area to have dinner at kfc... hehe...
for some of us, at dat point in time, it was the best meal of the holiday...
coz the food somehow din go down well w them...
after dat, it was juz walking ard to see if there's anything worth shopping for.
it turned out dat the local teas are really nice.
so the last day was spent trying more tea and buying tea.
and dat was also the day john and mark found this really nice place for dinner.
it is a little more upper class than most of the eateries ard.
but all u needed was to be decently properly dressed.
i.e. covered shoes and collared tees at least.
so 4 of us went there for dinner - mark, john, ivan and i.
it was like a western food coffee house kinda place.
food was quite good. and we ordered like quite a lot...
and in the end, we only paid like RMB80 each, including tips.
and service was quite good too.
and sometimes when we couldn't express wat we wanted to say in chinese properly,
but the staff could understand us still, you can see dat the staff were trying to
suppress their laughter.
but it was a good meal nonetheless.
slept for like abt 30mins, den it was e long trip back home.
4 hrs on the bus and another 4 hrs on the plane.
poor mark didn't get to eat his hainanese chicken rice while over there.
he ordered it for dinner at the coffee place.
but somehow the order was missed and by the time we realized
dat the order was missed, we were all too full to eat anymore so we cancelled it.
den we found dat there was chicken rice at the airport, thinking dat we might b able to eat it after we checked in, we checked in first.
only to discover dat we cant get to the chicken rice place.
so the first thing we did when we reached singapore?
go to t2 foodcourt and have chicken rice...
actually we wanted to go to soup kitchen but they were closed.
so ends my simple holiday in hainan.
next holiday: diving and holidaying at koh samui.
p.s. fotos of the holiday can b found here.
(link will be up once i've uploaded my fotos)
the holiday was quite alrite...
but it was a good time to relax, slow things down and spend bonding time w my frens.
first thing we noticed was how cooling hainan was upon arrival at the airport.
and tho it looked like it was threatening to rain, it never did.
after a couple of days, we realized dat the sun shines from abt 10am-3pm.
after 3pm, the clouds start to come in and it looks like the sun is preparing to set.
we started our holiday on the 2nd day with a trip to
万泉河 for a river drifting adventure.
had thought dat it was some river rafting thingy like u see on tv.
so din bring my camera along. but it turned out to b a not so scary ride.
and there were v nice views of the mountains.
but the travelling to and from the place was horrid.
it was a terrible, bumpy, boring 4hr drive to the destination and another 3.5hrs
back to the hotel. dat was the killer.
so much so we din wana go out v far the next day.
so we all juz chilled at the beach dat was juz rite outside the hotel.
being the suaku dat i am coz i've not travelled much,
it was quite a sight to see nice big waves crashing in towards the beach.
so spent almost the whole afternoon, lounging in the sun,
and swimming over the waves.
den we all went to the town area to have dinner at kfc... hehe...
for some of us, at dat point in time, it was the best meal of the holiday...
coz the food somehow din go down well w them...
after dat, it was juz walking ard to see if there's anything worth shopping for.
it turned out dat the local teas are really nice.
so the last day was spent trying more tea and buying tea.
and dat was also the day john and mark found this really nice place for dinner.
it is a little more upper class than most of the eateries ard.
but all u needed was to be decently properly dressed.
i.e. covered shoes and collared tees at least.
so 4 of us went there for dinner - mark, john, ivan and i.
it was like a western food coffee house kinda place.
food was quite good. and we ordered like quite a lot...
and in the end, we only paid like RMB80 each, including tips.
and service was quite good too.
and sometimes when we couldn't express wat we wanted to say in chinese properly,
but the staff could understand us still, you can see dat the staff were trying to
suppress their laughter.
but it was a good meal nonetheless.
slept for like abt 30mins, den it was e long trip back home.
4 hrs on the bus and another 4 hrs on the plane.
poor mark didn't get to eat his hainanese chicken rice while over there.
he ordered it for dinner at the coffee place.
but somehow the order was missed and by the time we realized
dat the order was missed, we were all too full to eat anymore so we cancelled it.
den we found dat there was chicken rice at the airport, thinking dat we might b able to eat it after we checked in, we checked in first.
only to discover dat we cant get to the chicken rice place.
so the first thing we did when we reached singapore?
go to t2 foodcourt and have chicken rice...
actually we wanted to go to soup kitchen but they were closed.
so ends my simple holiday in hainan.
next holiday: diving and holidaying at koh samui.
p.s. fotos of the holiday can b found here.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Parking Pontianak
Saw this from hossan leong's blog.
bloody funny man...
think those who watched 'the little shop of horrors' will find this a little funnier.
enjoy... :)
bloody funny man...
think those who watched 'the little shop of horrors' will find this a little funnier.
enjoy... :)
Another Death In The Family
Another one more to bury...
brought the camera to see the 'doc'.
doc said he's in bad shape...
he can be revived by at a cost of 300+
was thinking i can top up abit more and get a better one...
so i decided to pull the plug.
no more suffering for my camera.
no more inferiority complex for him...
i can imagine how hard it is for him to bear the mental torture...
handphone cameras having the same capabilities as him...
only thing he is better than the hp cams is is optical zoom function...
so left out...
i think it's only for the better (but of coz! since i get newer and better cam...)
rest in peace, my canon ixus v2.
u have served me well.
so now i'm looking at the canon powershot A540 since canon having some promo.
unless someone got a good cam to recommend.
budget is abt 400 since A540 is abt 429.
brought the camera to see the 'doc'.
doc said he's in bad shape...
he can be revived by at a cost of 300+
was thinking i can top up abit more and get a better one...
so i decided to pull the plug.
no more suffering for my camera.
no more inferiority complex for him...
i can imagine how hard it is for him to bear the mental torture...
handphone cameras having the same capabilities as him...
only thing he is better than the hp cams is is optical zoom function...
so left out...
i think it's only for the better (but of coz! since i get newer and better cam...)
rest in peace, my canon ixus v2.
u have served me well.
so now i'm looking at the canon powershot A540 since canon having some promo.
unless someone got a good cam to recommend.
budget is abt 400 since A540 is abt 429.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Leaked and Wet and Spoilt
Went for my one day dive at pulau hantu yesterday...
i must say it's a great feeling to be diving again...
going underwater and visiting the creatures of the sea.
marine life off p. hantu seems quite not bad,
considering how no one really sees singapore waters as dive-able.
saw a sea-snake, lots of crabs and a few other fishes as well...
i dun really know my fishes so cant identify them...
but i think i saw a goby and dory, whatever fish she is.
wish i had a underwater case for my camera, den can take fotos...
but dat'll have to wait prob until somewhere nearer to my next dive.
hope to do my advanced diver b4 heading to koh samui next july.
on another note, disaster struck while on the trip.
my shampoo container popped open in my shoebag which i put all my toiletries in.
and so i poured water in to rinse out the shampoo...
forgetting dat i had put my wallet, coin pouch, camera and hp in the side pocket.
upon realising dat fact, i quickly took everything out...
but it was too late... fone had gone blank and the camera wun start.
wallet was wet, everything in it was wet.
so the wallet looked quite in a bad shape w the water treatment...
so it was a perfect excuse for me to get a new wallet since it was kinda coming apart already.
brought my almost 1 year old N70 to the nokia-care center to get it fixed today.
bloody idiotic guy who served me, upon seeing my lcd screen kinda water filled,
said dat corrosion had set in.
in my mind, i was like, "who u trying to kid?! corrosion where got so fast one day eat up ur hp."
but i said," but it only happened like yesterday."
so he went to open up the fone and took out the main board for me to see.
and he was pointing at the ic chips and saying,"see, the white color..."
and they looked like it's the normal color for the chips...
until he pointed to some other part which looked like salt crystals.
and some part looked like it's still kinda soaked and not very working.
i wouldn't have mind he had offered to open up first and give me his diagnostics.
but i totally was so pissed w his "oh, corrosion has set in already." tone.
it's as if i was some ignorant, duno my chemistry consumer.
i know dat corrosion is a chemical reaction between the metal, water and oxygen ok.
and since it's a chem reaction, it doesn't juz pop up like dat in one nite...
i hope i'm kinda right on this one...
long story short, hp is condemned beyond repair.
and i am condemned to using my reservist fone - nokia 8210.
but a little bird told me dat if i can tahan, i juz might be able to get a new n70 at abt contract price but w/o the contract...
so i guess i'll tahan lor...
unless someone has a decent enough fone to lend me to last these 2 months.
and of coz i went to get a new wallet and coin pouch from taka today...
coz i had $30 taka voucher.
had the hainanese chicken rice at far east. havent had dat in like the longest time.
watched 'flags of our fathers' after dat.
good show i feel... but the squirmish, be warned, there are a few gruesome scenes.
but it's a good show... i enjoyed it...
go catch it if u can...
next movie: open season b4 going to hainan next monday.
countdown to hainan: 7 days.
i must say it's a great feeling to be diving again...
going underwater and visiting the creatures of the sea.
marine life off p. hantu seems quite not bad,
considering how no one really sees singapore waters as dive-able.
saw a sea-snake, lots of crabs and a few other fishes as well...
i dun really know my fishes so cant identify them...
but i think i saw a goby and dory, whatever fish she is.
wish i had a underwater case for my camera, den can take fotos...
but dat'll have to wait prob until somewhere nearer to my next dive.
hope to do my advanced diver b4 heading to koh samui next july.
on another note, disaster struck while on the trip.
my shampoo container popped open in my shoebag which i put all my toiletries in.
and so i poured water in to rinse out the shampoo...
forgetting dat i had put my wallet, coin pouch, camera and hp in the side pocket.
upon realising dat fact, i quickly took everything out...
but it was too late... fone had gone blank and the camera wun start.
wallet was wet, everything in it was wet.
so the wallet looked quite in a bad shape w the water treatment...
so it was a perfect excuse for me to get a new wallet since it was kinda coming apart already.
brought my almost 1 year old N70 to the nokia-care center to get it fixed today.
bloody idiotic guy who served me, upon seeing my lcd screen kinda water filled,
said dat corrosion had set in.
in my mind, i was like, "who u trying to kid?! corrosion where got so fast one day eat up ur hp."
but i said," but it only happened like yesterday."
so he went to open up the fone and took out the main board for me to see.
and he was pointing at the ic chips and saying,"see, the white color..."
and they looked like it's the normal color for the chips...
until he pointed to some other part which looked like salt crystals.
and some part looked like it's still kinda soaked and not very working.
i wouldn't have mind he had offered to open up first and give me his diagnostics.
but i totally was so pissed w his "oh, corrosion has set in already." tone.
it's as if i was some ignorant, duno my chemistry consumer.
i know dat corrosion is a chemical reaction between the metal, water and oxygen ok.
and since it's a chem reaction, it doesn't juz pop up like dat in one nite...
i hope i'm kinda right on this one...
long story short, hp is condemned beyond repair.
and i am condemned to using my reservist fone - nokia 8210.
but a little bird told me dat if i can tahan, i juz might be able to get a new n70 at abt contract price but w/o the contract...
so i guess i'll tahan lor...
unless someone has a decent enough fone to lend me to last these 2 months.
and of coz i went to get a new wallet and coin pouch from taka today...
coz i had $30 taka voucher.
had the hainanese chicken rice at far east. havent had dat in like the longest time.
watched 'flags of our fathers' after dat.
good show i feel... but the squirmish, be warned, there are a few gruesome scenes.
but it's a good show... i enjoyed it...
go catch it if u can...
next movie: open season b4 going to hainan next monday.
countdown to hainan: 7 days.
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