so after all the digging and searching... i bought myself a tee and 2 shorts.
i duno y but the tees i picked all matched my bag...
but of coz in the end... i only got this t-shirt.
and i realized while shopping or paying dat i've got a pair of trackpants dat's of the same colour scheme.
after shopping, we decided it'll b more cost effective if we juz cabbed back to the west.
so to westmall we went, and decided to check out the showtime for transformers.
we were at the cinema at 3.50pm and there was a 4pm show. so we queued for tix and got in the cinema at 4pm. juz in time. and the movie started i think juz shortly after we sat down...
i've got to say the movie's good... there were a few scenes where the cinematography were great.
i understand the need to have the robots looking realistic... but i dun like their faces...
too many lines and details... makes them look ugly.
plus w so much metal showing, cant really tell who's fighting who when any 2 of the robots fight.
w the only exception being optimus prime who cant fight for nuts.
i have to admit dat it wasn't dat bad having bumblebee appear as a camaro instead of his usual vw beetle. makes him looks quite v sleek...
but they could have less bare metal and more colours on their bodies so they can be more easily identified.
throughout the show, i am familiar w all the autobots' names. of all the decepticons, i only know megatron (who doesn't) and starscream (who's name in the chinese subtitle is 星星叫).
i'm guessing the radio robot is soundwave, but cant confirm. coz i dun remember anyone calling it by name.
one last grouse i've got is dat u dun hear much of the trademark transforming sound when they transform...
either dat or it's juz so soft...
i cant wait to copy g1 from bryan... wana re-live my childhood again...
i've already got visionaries, gona work on m.a.s.k., working on thunderbirds.
bryan's working on thundercats.
have to find he-man also... :)
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