Bought my first apple product last wed - the ipod touch.
bought the 16gb version coz i dun think i'll need 32gb of space.
the main reason i got it is coz the 4gb samsung player i have isn't enough to hold all my music.
my main gripe with the ipod is dat there is no radio but i guess it's something i can get used to.
been spending the whole of yesterday updating my library, looking for album names and album art for all my music.
after working from 3pm to almost midnight, i've finished doing up all the chinese bands and female singers and a few male singers. gona continue w finishing up the male singers and den move on to the english songs.
it's gona take quite a while but i get the massive feeling of achievement seeing all the songs having an album art and scrolling thru all the covers in cover flow.
and while looking for a sock for the ipod on sat, i saw this amazing ipod radio.
since the hifi in my room was dead after a long tenure of service,
i tot mayb getting a ipod radio might a good idea since the need for a cd player isn't exactly there anymore.
i must say the first time i tested it at the store, i was blown away by the sound quality.
it's got a decently good bass for something dat small.
but when i brought it home and set it up under my table, i realized dat it's too high for me to dock my ipod if i wana play my music.
so to plug in the ipod, i have to bring the duo-i down to the floor.
but overall, i have to admit it's a good buy.
and after all dat talk abt my apple and apple-related purchases, i wana rewind to sat morning.
went to rider's cafe for brunch w adel after accompanying her to make her study loan enquiries.
and i must say the food there is amazing.
i had their rider's breakfast which includes 2 pieces of toast, 2 eggs (i had mine sunny side), a choice of bacon, ham or sausage ( i had ham).
added a side order of bacon to the rider's breakfast. and if dat wasn't enough, i also ordered pancakes to share.
fotos are on adel's fb (i think). my fotos are still in the camera coz i am not done w the 36 exposures :D
i like the v cozy, laidback feeling the place seems to have.
it seems like it's one of those places where u can go every week for brunch, sit ard for tea and juz chill.
but of coz dat is also subjected to the health status of my wallet. but dat's another story altogether.
dat's all for now... it's almost 5.30 which means it's time to go home.
yes... i'm blogging while at work.
Shhh.... pls dun tell anyone. hehe...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Advanced Splashes
finished an awesome weekend of diving.
6 dives in 2 days, 4 on sat, incl a nite dive and 2 on sunday.
doing 4 dives on sat was a killer.
i'm not exactly v fit to begin w, so it was definitely physically draining...
but the moment i put on my wetsuit, gear up and enter the water, the fatigue is gone until u have to fin on the surface to some location a distance away.
fotos are all on fb. so pls check them out over there. i'm too lazy to upload here on blogger.
sat was a real scorcher, w the sun beating down mercilessly.
and my 30min lie-down in the sun, gave me a lobster-red glow, which in turn, developed into sunburn.
as a result i also got a real sexaye tanline. across my body. in fact, there's only 3 lines - 1 across the waist, and 1 across each thigh.
took leave today in the morning so i can sit in the ac room and cool down, while dousing myself in Burnaid for pain n burn relief.
but the food there was pretty shiok!
when we first arrived at 3.30am, ben n i each got ourselves a ramly burger coz we were hungry.
tho we bought snacks, i din wana eat them coz i wanted hot food.
so dat was round 1 den off to bed for 4 hrs b4 we got up and started diving.
after 3 day dives, ben n i, again, went to have prata. damn shiok la.
nothing beats having a nice prata after a long day of diving.
after our prata, we went to look for jacq who had to do her theory test to get her open water.
and while waiting, we had a bit of jacq ice kachang, dat was also shiokness.
did my nite dive after dat.
nite diving is definitely something different.
for one, u need a torch to look at the little stuff dat's going on.
but the fishes u see darting and swimming ard in the day are all juz floating motionless in the water.
did a couple of drills underwater and we went on looking ard for interesting stuff.
1 diver said he saw 2 bamboo sharks. but i din see them. so it was a rather quiet dive for me. but dat's good enough coz i was really tired.
packed up my gear after the dive and went back to the room for a nice cold shower, and den it was dinner.
bbq seafood and meats w fried rice or fried noodles. food was not too bad.
but came the real treat, the super shiok ice kachang. guess it's shiok coz they put a bit of milo powder on the top.
so the milo gives it a fair bit of oomph.
but while we were halfway thru it, the wind started to pick up and it got REALLY cold.
so having ice kachang while the cold wind is blowing at u is indeed a really interesting experience.
i quickly finished up the ingredients and we were back to our room, getting our much needed rest for the next day's dives.
woke up the next day, feeling tired and slightly achy. did think of skipping the first dive.
but somehow, once i got to the boat, i juz suited up and jumped in.
i'm glad i went on dat dive, coz got quite a few nice fotos from dat dive, incl a foto of 3 barracudas and a nice foto of a clownfish in the anemone.
came up, rested a bit, and did my last dive, which included a underwater navigation drill involving moving in a triangle n a square pattern. did both w/o a hitch and went on to enjoy the dive some more. came up, packed our dive gear and the moment we hit land,
ben n i went straight to the prata shop for food.
so lunch for me was 1 plate of mee goreng, 1 prata kosong, 1 prata bom which is basically planta butter n condensed milk, followed by 1 ramly beef double special. on top of dat, i had 1 teh and 1 teh tarik. shiokness to the max man.
after dat, went to shower and packed our bags to leave tioman liao. thankfully there wasn't much of a jam at the checkpoints.
so we were back in clementi ard 7.30pm i think. had dinner, den went home.
dat was truly a fun adventure. but i dun think i'll kill myself doing 4 dives in a day.
congrats to jacq for completing her open water course as well.
welcome to the diving fraternity! she's super excited abt diving now. wanting to go for another trip.
so we'll see when we can go for one more. my best guess will be ard aug/sept but we'll see... we'll see...
finished an awesome weekend of diving.
6 dives in 2 days, 4 on sat, incl a nite dive and 2 on sunday.
doing 4 dives on sat was a killer.
i'm not exactly v fit to begin w, so it was definitely physically draining...
but the moment i put on my wetsuit, gear up and enter the water, the fatigue is gone until u have to fin on the surface to some location a distance away.
fotos are all on fb. so pls check them out over there. i'm too lazy to upload here on blogger.
sat was a real scorcher, w the sun beating down mercilessly.
and my 30min lie-down in the sun, gave me a lobster-red glow, which in turn, developed into sunburn.
as a result i also got a real sexaye tanline. across my body. in fact, there's only 3 lines - 1 across the waist, and 1 across each thigh.
took leave today in the morning so i can sit in the ac room and cool down, while dousing myself in Burnaid for pain n burn relief.
but the food there was pretty shiok!
when we first arrived at 3.30am, ben n i each got ourselves a ramly burger coz we were hungry.
tho we bought snacks, i din wana eat them coz i wanted hot food.
so dat was round 1 den off to bed for 4 hrs b4 we got up and started diving.
after 3 day dives, ben n i, again, went to have prata. damn shiok la.
nothing beats having a nice prata after a long day of diving.
after our prata, we went to look for jacq who had to do her theory test to get her open water.
and while waiting, we had a bit of jacq ice kachang, dat was also shiokness.
did my nite dive after dat.
nite diving is definitely something different.
for one, u need a torch to look at the little stuff dat's going on.
but the fishes u see darting and swimming ard in the day are all juz floating motionless in the water.
did a couple of drills underwater and we went on looking ard for interesting stuff.
1 diver said he saw 2 bamboo sharks. but i din see them. so it was a rather quiet dive for me. but dat's good enough coz i was really tired.
packed up my gear after the dive and went back to the room for a nice cold shower, and den it was dinner.
bbq seafood and meats w fried rice or fried noodles. food was not too bad.
but came the real treat, the super shiok ice kachang. guess it's shiok coz they put a bit of milo powder on the top.
so the milo gives it a fair bit of oomph.
but while we were halfway thru it, the wind started to pick up and it got REALLY cold.
so having ice kachang while the cold wind is blowing at u is indeed a really interesting experience.
i quickly finished up the ingredients and we were back to our room, getting our much needed rest for the next day's dives.
woke up the next day, feeling tired and slightly achy. did think of skipping the first dive.
but somehow, once i got to the boat, i juz suited up and jumped in.
i'm glad i went on dat dive, coz got quite a few nice fotos from dat dive, incl a foto of 3 barracudas and a nice foto of a clownfish in the anemone.
came up, rested a bit, and did my last dive, which included a underwater navigation drill involving moving in a triangle n a square pattern. did both w/o a hitch and went on to enjoy the dive some more. came up, packed our dive gear and the moment we hit land,
ben n i went straight to the prata shop for food.
so lunch for me was 1 plate of mee goreng, 1 prata kosong, 1 prata bom which is basically planta butter n condensed milk, followed by 1 ramly beef double special. on top of dat, i had 1 teh and 1 teh tarik. shiokness to the max man.
after dat, went to shower and packed our bags to leave tioman liao. thankfully there wasn't much of a jam at the checkpoints.
so we were back in clementi ard 7.30pm i think. had dinner, den went home.
dat was truly a fun adventure. but i dun think i'll kill myself doing 4 dives in a day.
congrats to jacq for completing her open water course as well.
welcome to the diving fraternity! she's super excited abt diving now. wanting to go for another trip.
so we'll see when we can go for one more. my best guess will be ard aug/sept but we'll see... we'll see...
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Weekend of Ups And Downs
Wad a weekend it was!
let's start w fri.
e company had a football kickabout at east coast after work.
was good fun playing w the colleagues and getting to know ppl's names and all.
and of coz bonding w the ppl i already know.
but unfortunately, b4 heading down to east coast i had to make a detour to sim lim tower.
and on the way there, kinda got into a little accident, costing me $250.
while going down towards sji after exiting PIE at stevens road, i was slowing down coz it was a red light.
but somehow, i duno how, i fell asleep, awoken by a slight 'thud'. and i knew i had kissed the guy in front.
my foot was on the brake and i was slowing down, juz dat i hadn't stopped.
so drove to the road leading to sji and checked our bumpers.
his bumper looked alrite from the outside but can feel dat it was soft.
i only have a little faint line across my number plate.
dat's how light the impact was but it did enough damage to cost me abt $250 to juz compensate the guy.
putting dat aside, went on to play football.
after dat, went home, showered and left the house again for dbl-o for the marsch birthday bash,
which is basically a bday bash for a few march bday babies.
lotsa fun, lotsa drama, lots a of money spent.
and dat concludes the fri dat 'killed' my legs.
a lazy sat afternoon beckoned with my waking up at 1.30pm.
went for my strip appt at 5.30 and went to meet ewen, mark n fel for dinner at the zi char at my place. sub-$10 dinner. so everyone's happy.
after dat, we adjorned to my room for the big game.
good show by liverpool, winning 4-1.
tho 3 of the goals were a direct result of poor defending, i felt the man u's fans' pain to see their team lose 4-1.
so ya, league double over man u! WOOHOO!
but unfortunately, the win is merely a small dent in the red devils' march for the premiership crown.
peter, came over as well and bumped up my word challenge score to a seemingly insane 20+ thousand points.
seemingly insane to me at least.
ben n jacq came over at the end of the match and we juz chilled till ard 12plus.
and so ends a simple sat w the usual gang.
sunday was mass, and going to bt ho swee to see the sinseh to hopefully get my ankle in shape by fri.
and like sat, it was a simple, lazy sun, esp w the heavy rain which made looking out of the window impossible.
but once it subsided, we were off to 5 star chicken rice at bt timah for dinner w eug n dad.
went home for a while and was off to byron's place for a few hours of poker.
din do too well, lost $30, making my current win/loss figure at -$31.
i think i'm better off playing mj. hehehe...
but i haven't played poker in a long while and i prolly need more games to get in shape.
was on mc today as well, to get meds from the western doc to reduce the swelling due to my skin's allergy to the sinseh's medicinal patch.
i totally forgot i was allergic to it.
so went to hdb to renew my season parking and got my 20,000km servicing done up as well.
tom's a new day and i really hope i wun b going to pasir gudang for a job coz i really dun wish for it to drag out
and make me miss my weekend dive.
haven't finished reading the chapters i need to read up. completed abt half of wad i need to cover.
so will do it in the office tom.
this week seems a little quiet coz my only appt in the evening is on wed.
but guess sometimes we need our little quiet time to stay home n save money.
gona hopefully get my new speakers n amps installed by this week.
and probably gona get my scratched left fender, resurfaced and repainted.
looks like both jobs are gona burn a $800 hole in my pocket.
but it's money dat needs to b spent.
so let's juz spend it.
hahaha... alritey folks, dat's all for now.
see ya ard soon ya?
till den, take care!
let's start w fri.
e company had a football kickabout at east coast after work.
was good fun playing w the colleagues and getting to know ppl's names and all.
and of coz bonding w the ppl i already know.
but unfortunately, b4 heading down to east coast i had to make a detour to sim lim tower.
and on the way there, kinda got into a little accident, costing me $250.
while going down towards sji after exiting PIE at stevens road, i was slowing down coz it was a red light.
but somehow, i duno how, i fell asleep, awoken by a slight 'thud'. and i knew i had kissed the guy in front.
my foot was on the brake and i was slowing down, juz dat i hadn't stopped.
so drove to the road leading to sji and checked our bumpers.
his bumper looked alrite from the outside but can feel dat it was soft.
i only have a little faint line across my number plate.
dat's how light the impact was but it did enough damage to cost me abt $250 to juz compensate the guy.
putting dat aside, went on to play football.
after dat, went home, showered and left the house again for dbl-o for the marsch birthday bash,
which is basically a bday bash for a few march bday babies.
lotsa fun, lotsa drama, lots a of money spent.
and dat concludes the fri dat 'killed' my legs.
a lazy sat afternoon beckoned with my waking up at 1.30pm.
went for my strip appt at 5.30 and went to meet ewen, mark n fel for dinner at the zi char at my place. sub-$10 dinner. so everyone's happy.
after dat, we adjorned to my room for the big game.
good show by liverpool, winning 4-1.
tho 3 of the goals were a direct result of poor defending, i felt the man u's fans' pain to see their team lose 4-1.
so ya, league double over man u! WOOHOO!
but unfortunately, the win is merely a small dent in the red devils' march for the premiership crown.
peter, came over as well and bumped up my word challenge score to a seemingly insane 20+ thousand points.
seemingly insane to me at least.
ben n jacq came over at the end of the match and we juz chilled till ard 12plus.
and so ends a simple sat w the usual gang.
sunday was mass, and going to bt ho swee to see the sinseh to hopefully get my ankle in shape by fri.
and like sat, it was a simple, lazy sun, esp w the heavy rain which made looking out of the window impossible.
but once it subsided, we were off to 5 star chicken rice at bt timah for dinner w eug n dad.
went home for a while and was off to byron's place for a few hours of poker.
din do too well, lost $30, making my current win/loss figure at -$31.
i think i'm better off playing mj. hehehe...
but i haven't played poker in a long while and i prolly need more games to get in shape.
was on mc today as well, to get meds from the western doc to reduce the swelling due to my skin's allergy to the sinseh's medicinal patch.
i totally forgot i was allergic to it.
so went to hdb to renew my season parking and got my 20,000km servicing done up as well.
tom's a new day and i really hope i wun b going to pasir gudang for a job coz i really dun wish for it to drag out
and make me miss my weekend dive.
haven't finished reading the chapters i need to read up. completed abt half of wad i need to cover.
so will do it in the office tom.
this week seems a little quiet coz my only appt in the evening is on wed.
but guess sometimes we need our little quiet time to stay home n save money.
gona hopefully get my new speakers n amps installed by this week.
and probably gona get my scratched left fender, resurfaced and repainted.
looks like both jobs are gona burn a $800 hole in my pocket.
but it's money dat needs to b spent.
so let's juz spend it.
hahaha... alritey folks, dat's all for now.
see ya ard soon ya?
till den, take care!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Bumming Around
It's now the 2nd week since i've been back.
haven't really done much in the office other than clearing up the paperwork for the melbourne job and the 3 week sea-trial job.
now i'm waiting for the money to come in!! *rubs hands in glee*
it's been fairly quiet in the office front. and i've had some trouble trying to find stuff to do during office hours.
been on fb playing mousehunt, fish wrangler and robot builder.
now dat i've gotten my advanced manual from jacq on sat, i'm trying to read up on the stuff i'll b doing for my dive in 2 weeks!!
yay!! 2 more weeks and i'm off to tioman for a weekend dive.
and for more good news, my colleague is giving me his regulator! woohoo!
juz need to have it serviced and checked out.
dun think i'll bring it for this trip. but mayb i'll bring it for the next one after i get it checked out.
and i think he's putting up his fins for sale. and i hear they're jet fins. so we'll see how :P
i cant wait till the end of the week to come.
coz fri nite is gona b a drinking nite at dbl o w some of the church peeps.
i can envision a nite of senseless drinking. hahaha...
ok.. mayb not senseless... but still, i see lots of drinking to be done on dat nite.
sat is the usual w the churchies. mayb i'll make an appt w strip for this weekend.
need to go to taka to spend dat $30 voucher which i have for quite a while liao.
wana get a shoe bag coz den i dun have to take out my tap shoes everytime i need a shoebag.
speaking of which, i think i need to get my tap legs warmed up again. but i cant tap at home!
i think i'll ruin the nice marble floor.
in fact, i'll prolly get a scolding from my dad if he hears me tapping on his marble floor and for making a lot of noise :P
i'm juz waiting for 5.30pm to arrive so i can get out.
it's a colleague's last day today and we're going to qun zhong at neil road for a farewell dinner.
it's been quite a while since i've gone there.
looking forward to the xiao long baos, zha jiang mian and guo ties! YUMMY! *rubbie tummie*
haven't really done much in the office other than clearing up the paperwork for the melbourne job and the 3 week sea-trial job.
now i'm waiting for the money to come in!! *rubs hands in glee*
it's been fairly quiet in the office front. and i've had some trouble trying to find stuff to do during office hours.
been on fb playing mousehunt, fish wrangler and robot builder.
now dat i've gotten my advanced manual from jacq on sat, i'm trying to read up on the stuff i'll b doing for my dive in 2 weeks!!
yay!! 2 more weeks and i'm off to tioman for a weekend dive.
and for more good news, my colleague is giving me his regulator! woohoo!
juz need to have it serviced and checked out.
dun think i'll bring it for this trip. but mayb i'll bring it for the next one after i get it checked out.
and i think he's putting up his fins for sale. and i hear they're jet fins. so we'll see how :P
i cant wait till the end of the week to come.
coz fri nite is gona b a drinking nite at dbl o w some of the church peeps.
i can envision a nite of senseless drinking. hahaha...
ok.. mayb not senseless... but still, i see lots of drinking to be done on dat nite.
sat is the usual w the churchies. mayb i'll make an appt w strip for this weekend.
need to go to taka to spend dat $30 voucher which i have for quite a while liao.
wana get a shoe bag coz den i dun have to take out my tap shoes everytime i need a shoebag.
speaking of which, i think i need to get my tap legs warmed up again. but i cant tap at home!
i think i'll ruin the nice marble floor.
in fact, i'll prolly get a scolding from my dad if he hears me tapping on his marble floor and for making a lot of noise :P
i'm juz waiting for 5.30pm to arrive so i can get out.
it's a colleague's last day today and we're going to qun zhong at neil road for a farewell dinner.
it's been quite a while since i've gone there.
looking forward to the xiao long baos, zha jiang mian and guo ties! YUMMY! *rubbie tummie*
Friday, March 06, 2009
Mr A-Z
Jason Mraz was fantabulous!
being my first concert n experience and all, it's been great.
he's absolutely fantastic w his stage presence, his vocal abilities and his geekiness.
he's definitely one cool geek.
and if vocal ability is a superpower, he'll b an ultra supergeek who'll save the world.
but was disappointed w the choice of joi chua to co-sing lucky w him.
mayb no one else was ard in sg.
she's nowhere near colbie caillat and the top she was wearing juz made look as if she has a penis.
dat was juz weird... first, a long time ago, zoe swallowed, and now, joi is a "tranny"
so wad's next?
enough of the not so fantastic shit...
and juz like fel, seeing him on stage, using his polariod to snaps fotos of his band and throwing out to the peeps in front made me wana get one too!
juz snap and it's done! spontaneous and fun!
and it seems dat last nite was the night of doomed cameras.
coz among the 8 of us, we had 3 cameras and all were low on batt.
i managed to get some fotos in, but they were not sharp at all.
so i'll think abt putting up the blurry fotos on fb.
went supper w steph, justin, byron, daph n sam after the concert.
it was definitely nice seeing byron n daph n sam coz it's quite a while since i've seen them.
the old man in me cant recall when was the last time i saw them.
so yea...
it was an awesome show, and i think i wun be selling my ticket for anything less than $500 if he's coming down again. hehehe...
good show mraz... now i shall listen to the mp3s and pretend i'm back in the stadium once more.
being my first concert n experience and all, it's been great.
he's absolutely fantastic w his stage presence, his vocal abilities and his geekiness.
he's definitely one cool geek.
and if vocal ability is a superpower, he'll b an ultra supergeek who'll save the world.
but was disappointed w the choice of joi chua to co-sing lucky w him.
mayb no one else was ard in sg.
she's nowhere near colbie caillat and the top she was wearing juz made look as if she has a penis.
dat was juz weird... first, a long time ago, zoe swallowed, and now, joi is a "tranny"
so wad's next?
enough of the not so fantastic shit...
and juz like fel, seeing him on stage, using his polariod to snaps fotos of his band and throwing out to the peeps in front made me wana get one too!
juz snap and it's done! spontaneous and fun!
and it seems dat last nite was the night of doomed cameras.
coz among the 8 of us, we had 3 cameras and all were low on batt.
i managed to get some fotos in, but they were not sharp at all.
so i'll think abt putting up the blurry fotos on fb.
went supper w steph, justin, byron, daph n sam after the concert.
it was definitely nice seeing byron n daph n sam coz it's quite a while since i've seen them.
the old man in me cant recall when was the last time i saw them.
so yea...
it was an awesome show, and i think i wun be selling my ticket for anything less than $500 if he's coming down again. hehehe...
good show mraz... now i shall listen to the mp3s and pretend i'm back in the stadium once more.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Bloob, Bloob....
With abt 2 weeks to go b4 i head to tioman for my dive,
i tot i'd better get the dust off my gear.
so i emptied the bag to wash it.
but coz the dive bag is a mesh bag, there's some dust over the gear in the bag as well.
a quick rinse and all is good to go!

boy, have i missed these stuff... cant wait to go diving again!!
to think my last dive was bali in '07.
it's been more than a year.

but everything is still working.
i tot i'd better get the dust off my gear.
so i emptied the bag to wash it.
but coz the dive bag is a mesh bag, there's some dust over the gear in the bag as well.
a quick rinse and all is good to go!
boy, have i missed these stuff... cant wait to go diving again!!
to think my last dive was bali in '07.
it's been more than a year.
but everything is still working.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
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