Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A Quiet Day At Home

Duno why but kinda lost the steam to blog liao...
it's like there are moments i wana blog, but somehow am too lazy to do it...

but i'll still do so every now and then...
doubt i'll have the time to do it once i get my licence and rep code.

was home the whole day today.
was having this headache thru the whole day.
not helped by the fact dat my game was all screwy and refusing to work as it shd...
kinda driving me nuts liao...

lost count of the no of times i had uninstalled and re-installed it.
dang... maybe it's a sign dat i shdn't be playing it and lending it to justin.

went lunch w ms snooze yesterday @ sushi tei at hv.
it's amazing how the place has been there since god knows when...
and yesterday was the first time i've stepped into it.
somehow i'm always going to sakae. mayb coz got 10% w UOB card.
the food is great. even tho i have to pay a bit more, i think i'm willing to do so.
the food is worth the money. think sakae standard dropping liao...
the price is still the same but the quality like not so good...
seems like a good reason for me to go back to sushi tei... hehehe...

ms snooze handed me her wedding invite while over lunch...
while eating, we were like talking abt old times and all...
it's how fast time flies... lucky her can be 25 every year.
poor me gets reminded how OLD i am by the young peeps in church.

i get to bring a date for the wedding, but who to ask?
cant think of anyone. so if anyone is interested to go along w me, let me know.
ms snooze, i'll let u know once someone comments :)
hahaha... think she's prob too busy to get angry w me for 'advertising' for a partner to attend her wedding.

yup... gona go sleep soon i guess... and hope the headache goes away.
nitez.. and sweet dreams !


Little Miss Snooze said...


If I'm 25 every year, so are u what!

Anonymous said...

no la...
i dun have dat kind of fortune...