Friday, December 22, 2006
Heavy Sinful Things
happily picked out chocs and stuff to make abt 60 goodie bags...
brought it the cashier. the whole lot weighed in at 2.634 kg.
and at $3.80/ 100gms, the total damn was a whopping $100.
i was stunned for a while looking at the final price. so i did a double check on my hp calculator.
and e amt was correct.
so paid for the heavy chocs and met up w my frens from finexis at parkview square.
and the timing couldn't have been better coz the building was having a tenants' nite so there was free food and drinks at the lobby.
so got free dinner... hehehe...
spent thur morning and early afternoon packing my goodie bags...
realized dat 60 seems to be damn a lot, i only made 50.
partly also coz due to a miscalculation on my part,
i din have enough ingredients for 60 goodie bags.
but think it's still quite a lot.
kinda looking forward to christmas.
went to check out Next at holland v for a haircut.
tho it's my most expensive haircut @ $35. i think the treatment i get there is so very much different from the other places i've been.
the scalp massage lasted a good 10mins i think...
u get a choice of orange, coke or iced tea for ur drink.
u get to sit in nice armchairs as opposed to the salon kind of seats we often see.
plus i got a free bottle of au de parfum... but i think dat's like their christmas gift for their clients.
i sound like damn cheapskate hor...
but no choice leh. 2 months of staying in sg, with no offshore allowance to boost my income for the month, have to b a little frugal.
later tonite gona spend money again liao... dinner w stefette, justin, tweebo and apu.
den off to duno where to celebrate cheryl's birthday.
note to stefette and tweebo:
i is not saying i dun want to spend time w u all hor.
esp tweebo... always so sensitive one... always think i angry...
i look like the angry type of person meh?!
think sat is gona b a nice stay home day...
ok... mayb i'll go get a nice mani. hehe. must look good ma.
bought a vest from guess. gona try to pull off the prep school, geeky look...
we'll see how it goes on sunday when i go for midnight mass...
okie den... see u all soon...
enjoy ur christmas... and dun forget to spread god's love to everyone ard you.
coz he gave his life for love of u and me.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wet, Wet, Wet
raining since the morning and lasting all through the nite.
and to cap it all off, I woke up to a blackout in the house.
called singapore power to check and was told dat the town council is working on the power outage.
so juz stayed home and waited for the power to come back on.
duno for how long the power was out. hope nothing in the fridge goes bad.
power is now back on for abt an hr now... everything seems to b working fine.
and looking out of the window, i saw a glimmer of hope... dat e rain might want to take a break.
have a good day, everyone.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hainanese Adventure
the holiday was quite alrite...
but it was a good time to relax, slow things down and spend bonding time w my frens.
first thing we noticed was how cooling hainan was upon arrival at the airport.
and tho it looked like it was threatening to rain, it never did.
after a couple of days, we realized dat the sun shines from abt 10am-3pm.
after 3pm, the clouds start to come in and it looks like the sun is preparing to set.
we started our holiday on the 2nd day with a trip to
万泉河 for a river drifting adventure.
had thought dat it was some river rafting thingy like u see on tv.
so din bring my camera along. but it turned out to b a not so scary ride.
and there were v nice views of the mountains.
but the travelling to and from the place was horrid.
it was a terrible, bumpy, boring 4hr drive to the destination and another 3.5hrs
back to the hotel. dat was the killer.
so much so we din wana go out v far the next day.
so we all juz chilled at the beach dat was juz rite outside the hotel.
being the suaku dat i am coz i've not travelled much,
it was quite a sight to see nice big waves crashing in towards the beach.
so spent almost the whole afternoon, lounging in the sun,
and swimming over the waves.
den we all went to the town area to have dinner at kfc... hehe...
for some of us, at dat point in time, it was the best meal of the holiday...
coz the food somehow din go down well w them...
after dat, it was juz walking ard to see if there's anything worth shopping for.
it turned out dat the local teas are really nice.
so the last day was spent trying more tea and buying tea.
and dat was also the day john and mark found this really nice place for dinner.
it is a little more upper class than most of the eateries ard.
but all u needed was to be decently properly dressed.
i.e. covered shoes and collared tees at least.
so 4 of us went there for dinner - mark, john, ivan and i.
it was like a western food coffee house kinda place.
food was quite good. and we ordered like quite a lot...
and in the end, we only paid like RMB80 each, including tips.
and service was quite good too.
and sometimes when we couldn't express wat we wanted to say in chinese properly,
but the staff could understand us still, you can see dat the staff were trying to
suppress their laughter.
but it was a good meal nonetheless.
slept for like abt 30mins, den it was e long trip back home.
4 hrs on the bus and another 4 hrs on the plane.
poor mark didn't get to eat his hainanese chicken rice while over there.
he ordered it for dinner at the coffee place.
but somehow the order was missed and by the time we realized
dat the order was missed, we were all too full to eat anymore so we cancelled it.
den we found dat there was chicken rice at the airport, thinking dat we might b able to eat it after we checked in, we checked in first.
only to discover dat we cant get to the chicken rice place.
so the first thing we did when we reached singapore?
go to t2 foodcourt and have chicken rice...
actually we wanted to go to soup kitchen but they were closed.
so ends my simple holiday in hainan.
next holiday: diving and holidaying at koh samui.
p.s. fotos of the holiday can b found here.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Parking Pontianak
bloody funny man...
think those who watched 'the little shop of horrors' will find this a little funnier.
enjoy... :)
Another Death In The Family
brought the camera to see the 'doc'.
doc said he's in bad shape...
he can be revived by at a cost of 300+
was thinking i can top up abit more and get a better one...
so i decided to pull the plug.
no more suffering for my camera.
no more inferiority complex for him...
i can imagine how hard it is for him to bear the mental torture...
handphone cameras having the same capabilities as him...
only thing he is better than the hp cams is is optical zoom function...
so left out...
i think it's only for the better (but of coz! since i get newer and better cam...)
rest in peace, my canon ixus v2.
u have served me well.
so now i'm looking at the canon powershot A540 since canon having some promo.
unless someone got a good cam to recommend.
budget is abt 400 since A540 is abt 429.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Leaked and Wet and Spoilt
i must say it's a great feeling to be diving again...
going underwater and visiting the creatures of the sea.
marine life off p. hantu seems quite not bad,
considering how no one really sees singapore waters as dive-able.
saw a sea-snake, lots of crabs and a few other fishes as well...
i dun really know my fishes so cant identify them...
but i think i saw a goby and dory, whatever fish she is.
wish i had a underwater case for my camera, den can take fotos...
but dat'll have to wait prob until somewhere nearer to my next dive.
hope to do my advanced diver b4 heading to koh samui next july.
on another note, disaster struck while on the trip.
my shampoo container popped open in my shoebag which i put all my toiletries in.
and so i poured water in to rinse out the shampoo...
forgetting dat i had put my wallet, coin pouch, camera and hp in the side pocket.
upon realising dat fact, i quickly took everything out...
but it was too late... fone had gone blank and the camera wun start.
wallet was wet, everything in it was wet.
so the wallet looked quite in a bad shape w the water treatment...
so it was a perfect excuse for me to get a new wallet since it was kinda coming apart already.
brought my almost 1 year old N70 to the nokia-care center to get it fixed today.
bloody idiotic guy who served me, upon seeing my lcd screen kinda water filled,
said dat corrosion had set in.
in my mind, i was like, "who u trying to kid?! corrosion where got so fast one day eat up ur hp."
but i said," but it only happened like yesterday."
so he went to open up the fone and took out the main board for me to see.
and he was pointing at the ic chips and saying,"see, the white color..."
and they looked like it's the normal color for the chips...
until he pointed to some other part which looked like salt crystals.
and some part looked like it's still kinda soaked and not very working.
i wouldn't have mind he had offered to open up first and give me his diagnostics.
but i totally was so pissed w his "oh, corrosion has set in already." tone.
it's as if i was some ignorant, duno my chemistry consumer.
i know dat corrosion is a chemical reaction between the metal, water and oxygen ok.
and since it's a chem reaction, it doesn't juz pop up like dat in one nite...
i hope i'm kinda right on this one...
long story short, hp is condemned beyond repair.
and i am condemned to using my reservist fone - nokia 8210.
but a little bird told me dat if i can tahan, i juz might be able to get a new n70 at abt contract price but w/o the contract...
so i guess i'll tahan lor...
unless someone has a decent enough fone to lend me to last these 2 months.
and of coz i went to get a new wallet and coin pouch from taka today...
coz i had $30 taka voucher.
had the hainanese chicken rice at far east. havent had dat in like the longest time.
watched 'flags of our fathers' after dat.
good show i feel... but the squirmish, be warned, there are a few gruesome scenes.
but it's a good show... i enjoyed it...
go catch it if u can...
next movie: open season b4 going to hainan next monday.
countdown to hainan: 7 days.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Stuck Home For 3 Days
12 days to RT.
ippt on wed.
additional training yesterday.
feeling slight strain in hamstring
so stretched before going to bed.
woke up this morning hardly able to stand...
hobbled to doc's.
3 days mc.
have to miss tap tom :(
cannot take ippt on wed :(
gota book for ippt for next week :(
die la!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
My Stupid Bro
tweebo: eh.. why the hamster shred the tissue paper...
bro: to keep cold lor...
tweebo & me: -_-
he win liao.
Friday, November 17, 2006
A Time To Remember
saw this warrant officer earlier in the morning ard 8.30.
at 10.30 i heard news dat he had passed away in the hospital.
was quite shocked when i heard the news...
besides being a heavy smoker, he was quite fit... played soccer mainly.
and now he leaves behind his wife and i heard, 2 daughters as well.
kinda worry a little for his wife and children...
their income and living expenses.
another reminder as to how short and unpredictable life can be.
so i juz want to take this opportunity to say,
"Thank you and I love you."
to the many ppl who have entered my life and left a piece of their lives in mine,
to the many ppl who are still a part of my life.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tap Lesson 1
juz got back from tap class...
learnt the basic steps like hit and drop...
step and stamp...
did a bit of combination of the hits, drops, etc...
enjoyed the session...but i feel dat one hour for the class is too short...
tho i was kinda slightly tired after an hour...
but realized dance can be quite an adrenaline rush...
i juz wana dance some more...
unfortunately for me... the class is made up of older folks...
ppl who look like their 30 and up.
only got one girl who looked like she's a student... prolly some uni student...
so like dat lor...
cant wait to learn new stuff next week...
but hopefully got time at home to brush up watever i've learnt today...
oh wells... dat's all for today...
tom got ippt...
which means 2.4 again...
hope i can clear my static stations... esp pull up...
juz barely made it last week...
wish me luck !!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tappity Tap Tap
i'm so so SOOOO excited...
cant wait for class to start...
still looking for kaki also tho...
anyone wana join me?
classes are every tue, 8.30pm for 8 weeks for an hour per class.
place is jitterbugs at millenia walk.
total cost for lessons is $146 for 8 classes and a year's membership w jitterbugs.
call me if u are or if u know of frens who are interested !!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Only 4 Words...
ok... it's gona be more than 4 words.
it's been like more than a month since i've blogged...
and it's only becoz i've been kinda bleddy lazy to do it.
and now for some general updates...
for one, i'll b in sg until the end of the year due to the fact i've got reservist in nov and am on leave in dec.
so i'm more or less free to do lunch/dinner/tea/supper/ktv/movies/clubing/pubbing w anyone.
so call me yea?
and i'll b taking up tap dancing come 14 nov for 8 weeks @ jitterbugs singapore.
anyone interested to join me? or if u know of frens who wana learn, intro to me!!
it's always nice to go w a fren i guess...
but somehow i always v much differing interests than most of my frens.
uberburger is having a one-for-one deal for all burgers except for their signature $101 foie gras burger.
not sure when it ends... so juz go now... hahaha.
went there sometime last week i think... wanted to order it but it was sold out,
courtesy of the family who arrived before me...
oh wells... means i must go there again...
on a different note...
many things have been going ard in church since i got back...
was kinda surprised when i heard it...
now ppl are somewhat fearful or apprehensive abt wat's gona happen.
and it's not juz the folks at vc.
think some of the ppl in the young adult group (dei gloriam) are unsure wat to expect
when the peeps at vc join them...
think some of them feel the same way as i do in terms of catering to the spiritual needs of the younger ppl who are still schooling.
but guess coz everything's been told in a "this is an order" kind of way, everyone's juz doing wat they've been told.
i used to treasure wat i have in church v much, mainly coz of the close bonds and working relationships i have w the priests and adults ard.
and how we are given the freedom to reach out to the youths in our own pace, with each ministry excelling in wat they do...
and now dat we'vebeen given the order dat we'll cease to exist after 4 nov, there's nothing much to look fwd to now...
guess the new job and my constant shipping out of sg somehow made me less attached to the group and wat's going on.
but there's a feeling of assurance when i know dat my frens and the group i am a part of are there when i'm back...
somehow i am juz worried for the church i have spent my entire life in...
worried and unsure of its future in 5-7 years time when the parish priest changes.
it's somewhat discerning when u feel dat ur church is being run somewhat like a corporation.
but i guess somehow god will be there to make all things right..
and looking at things on the positive side, this could very well b the trial dat we are put thru to make us better christians.
to help us learn obedience and patience.
obedience to listen to someone who has the authority over us no matter how senseless or illogical the order/ instruction is.
patience to love and accept the ppl who have entered our lives and have somehow turned our lives into one dat's difficult to live in.
guess there's nothing much to do except to trust in god and trust that he'll be there to hold our hand thru this journey of faith challenge
dearest god,
i thank you for the 3 years you have given us Vultus Crucis.
for the times when we struggled to reach out to the ppl in church,
for the times when we shared our talents w the church,
for the times when we shared our lives in the church,
for the times when we shared our lives w one another.
help us as we embark on a new challenge,
to seek u in times of uncertainty,
to seek u in times of frustration,
to seek u in times of fear,
but when all is calm and settled,
and the dark clouds clear for the bright sun to shine,
may we remember to continue to seek you in good times, not juz in bad.
to give u thanks for the lessons we may learn in our trials of life.
dearest mother,
pray for us, your children.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Grazing @ Graze
dinner was at graze at 4 rochester park.
if u duno where dat is, it's near bouna vista mrt... near acjc...
if u still duno where, look it up in the steet directory...
so dinner it was @ graze w a long time fren and now foodie kaki, rachel.
wat i love abt the place is the ambience and the ulu-ness of the place...
so u feel so isolated from the fast paced life we lead daily...
the lush green surroundings juz seems to teleport u to another dimension...
the slower paced life... w the waters flowing... and the trees rustling in the wind...
wat's there not to love...
dining is split into the air-conditioned indoors and the close-to-nature outdoors.
i had initially made a reservation for indoor dining...but upon reaching the place,
and seeing how wonderfully beautiful the outdoor dining area was, i had to request for a change of seats...
graze is such a wonderful place for u to chill out w frens over a slow dinner and drinks... and after-dinner drinks...

(L) the little waterfall, flowy water feature my table was right next to...
(R) the building right at the end where the rattan chairs are, that is where the bbq chefs are hard at work...

the main building... indoor dining downstairs... and their lounge, mint, on the upper floor.
and so i shall proceed w the menu for the evening...
we started w oyster shooters...

the 2 on the left are oyster shooters w vodka sorbet while the 2 on the right are wat i think are the house specials... ginger wine oyster shooters w wasabi and cucumber oil.
personally i prefer the ginger wine shooters, rachel prefers the vodka sorbet ones...
so try both and judge for urself...
next up was our entree... steamed lobster tortellini w some roe...
cant remember wat roe it was...

note: this is not the actual dish... started eating it once it was served so forgot to take a foto until i've taken a bite in it...
felt dat this dish is the most disappointing of the entire dinner...
couldn't really taste much of the lobster... and it looked somewhat like squid when i opened up the tortellini... hehe.
this opinion is shared by the both of us...
shortly after we wiped out the tortellinis, our main course was served...
once again... we ate up the sausage before i remembered to grab another foto moment...

this is the bbq house meat platter for 2. the house platters come in 3 types-
meat, fish and asian seafood.
there are 2 seasonings for u to choose from for the bbq-
traditional pepper, salt and olive oil or their inhouse seasoning, the graze brushed lacquer.
we opted for the pepper, salt and olive oil seasoning.
all platters come w corn on the cob, fries and salad. yum...
the meat platter consists of a sirlion, a pork chop, a piece of chicken (one drumstick and one wing), a sausage and a lamb chop.
and we requested for the shiraz reduction as a sauce for our meats.
the meats were all very well done... tender and juicy... and dipping the meats into the shiraz sauce made everything even more wonderful...
and dat includes the fries as well... salad is dressed in balsamic vinegar and olive oil...
extra note: the chicken was v well done, skin was nice and crispy, and the flesh was tender as well... kudos to the chef.
and this is coming from a person whose meat ranking is as such:
lamb, beef, pork, chicken.
had our main course w a glass of shiraz to accompany the burst of flavours...
dinner cant get any better...

got no wine to show... only empty glasses at the end of dinner... :)
but it did !! coz dessert was next... hehe...
and so the dessert tasting platter was served...

i've no idea wat's wat.. coz it wasn't stated in the menu...
but all i can say is... they're all great...
there was a cheesecake, an apple crumble thingy, wat i think is mango sorbet, vanilla ice cream to cleanse the taste in the mouth i guess.
a champagne jelly thingy, a choc soffle and a i duno wat flavour soffle and another scoop of i duno wat flavour ice cream...
i juz eat only... good, i eat some more... not good, i leave it on the plate... actually think i'll eat it up still... cannot waste food.
after dinner and all, we adjorned to mint, the lounge upstairs, for another round of drinks...
this time it's juz simple drinks, nothing too potent...
a simple bellini and a blueberry mojito.

bellini on left, blueberry mojito on right.
and after the drinks it was time to close the tab and head for home...
at first we thought dat we were gona finish dinner rather quickly...
but we reached there abt 6.45pm and left the place at like 10.15pm.
time juz flew like dat.. u dun feel like u've been sitting at the restaurant for too long or something like dat...
and of coz the damage to the pocket was $125 a piece... but in my opinion...
money well spent... coz the service was good too. the staff were v attentive...
and they've got little stools for the ladies (or gentlemen) to place their bags and stuff instead of putting them on the floor.
so head on down to graze at 4 rochester park when payday is near... and dun forget to make ur reservations.
graze is closed on mondays too btw... so dun be so silly like me and call them on monday nite to make a reservation
and wondering why the hell are they not picking up the fone... hehe... silly me.
now i wana check our their breakfast/ brunch menu which are only available on weekends.
anyone wana take up my offer?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Smooth E Babyface Foam
but cant remember where...
but this is a rather creative thai ad for a facial foam...
Feelings Cheated
i feel so cheated...
bought david tao's 太美丽 album at sembawang music last week for like $16 i think...
and the unthinkable happened...
i saw the same album being sold at ts video @ ps for only $8.90!!!
so horrifying rite?
but i also saw this 五月天 album selling for only like $9.90...
so i bought it...
but still feel so cheated...
and if dat wasn't enough... went for dinner at dining @ sakae at the atrium next to ps.
was expecting the food quality to be slightly better than wat u'll find at the regular sakae restaurants.
but no... the food was juz as ordinary... luckily jarrod has like some voucher promo w his hsbc card...
but den have to go back to the restaurant to eat again... so duno la...
went to watch singapore dreaming before dinner...
this is like a recap of the day in reverse order... hahaha...
but anyway... went to watch singapore dreaming by colin goh and his wife, woo yen-yen...
i enjoyed it very much... it's a pretty heart warming movie abt this family and their struggles to move up the social ladder...
break out of the hdb shell and move up into the condo level...
and the family relations when they unexpectedly win the toto group 1 prize of 2 million dollars.
so go catch this locally produced film which u can also get to catch lim yu beng speaking mandarin...
quite funny... so dun miss this show... it's a must-watch.. at least in my opinion...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Happy Birthday to me and 2 other people...
this year was quite a birthday...
kinda started celebrations like officially on fri nite...
tho unofficially it started w the SMU freshmen bash @ MOS.
so i shall start w thur.
thur saw me going to MOS in the evening to check out the place at a v cheap $14.
so i toured the place... the r&b at the main hall was juz so so in my opinion...
but the retro room, 54 and Pure were juz heavenly...
ppl who know me know i'm quite the retro fan... so 54 feels juz like home...
not to mention the funkily cool bubble chairs they've got there...
they're juz absolutely fabulous to sit in and nua... not to mention the always favoured music of the 70s, 80s.
pure looks ordinary when i first entered the room... but exploring the room further in revealed a gem...
nice big circular beds were turned into nice cushy chill out corners... juz leave ur shoes at the step and move rite in...
as the entire bed is the table and sofa, drinks are placed on a tray in the middle of the bed...
absolutely wonderful to chill in...
but one turn-off for me was the presence of some uncle and aunty pattern ppl.
ppl who are old enough to be my parents. while hanging out at 54,
there was this couple prob in their mid-forties dancing their twirlly, 70s cha-cha-ish dance on the
dancefloor... i duno wad to say man... my jaw juz dropped lor... so aiyoh...
i also duno how to describe...
but dat nite wasn't all dat wonderful also.. coz after 1 whisky soda, 2 chivas shots, 2 chivas green tea (which i was sceptical at first,
but pretty much sold when i tried it) and half a vodka orange, i was kinda knocked out...
think partly i had a fairly light jap dinner which din exactly cushioned my stomach against the onslaught of alcohol.
den the merlion-ing happened juz as i was abt to leave the club... i'll spare u all the details...
went to lau pa sat for supper den it was home...
fri morning marked the end of my course of antibiotics for my fever-inducing tonsilitis...
and in the evening... i was off to wala wala with the church ppl to catch e always fantastic EIC.
so began another round of drinking... but no merlion-ing this time round coz alcohol was paced and there was lots of pub grub to protect my stomach...
ordered a round of tequila shots and tequila pops for the ppl who were there...
mark, fel, benji, jacq, john, damien, ewen, peter and of coz me!
music was great... EIC played blind melon's no rain (one of my fav songs). they couldn't play it the last time i was there and requested for the song...
but dat was quite some time ago... requested for fast car by supergrass... but guess they din know the song or weren't prepared to play dat one...
so they din play dat... but the nite was great... great company accompanied by great music cant go wrong...
sat morning marked the beginning of another long day...
started w ktv-ing at partyworld @ orchard w rachel... 11am to 2pm...
this was followed by lunch @ din tai feng... and some shopping...
bought myself a birthday present...

so nice rite? they were the last pair available at the shop and i was so awed by how comfy they were...
and of coz how beautiful they look... i juz could not say no to them...
and after dat, i went to church for mass coz the youths were singing... jubilante deo is the name of the choir...
hope i remembered it correctly... someone correct me if i'm wrong k?
i have to admit they sound so so SO much more wonderful than the horrigible 8.30am choir.
12 of us went to dulu kala @ beauty world for dinner after mass... it's a peranakan restaurant and it's v good.
tons of food was ordered... and we all finished every morsel of it... and to end off the evening, they got me a cake.. how sweet of them...
i wasn't expecting them to get a cake for me really... but the surprise was blown when i saw them lighting the candles
when i went to the counter to ask for the bill... so i promptly sat down and waited for them... hahaha...
i'm sorry u all had to put 10 candles on this cake... next year will have 11 candles...
den after dat only need 3... shit.. i dun wana think so far ahead...
dinner was wonderful, cake was nice too, tho i dun really fancy coffee cake...
but the coffee taste wan't all dat repulsive... :)
yea, u're prob saying i'm such a fool, duno how to appreciate coffee.
but dat's juz me... a non-coffee lover...
after dinner, it was off to fel's place to play some board/card games...
played dungeoneer w mark, fred, eug and peter. quite a nice game but a little v rpg...
after one round which took like abt an hour i think, it was time to go home...
coz tired la...
celebrations continued on sunday beginning with lunch at this restaurant in tiong bahru w my family...
food there is good... so go check it out... it's called por kee eating house.
think they do cantonese cuisine... not too sure... who cares really, as long as the food is good.
after dat, i met some of the guys at mark's house to play anothe boardgame, i'm the boss.
it's quite fun... making deals and trying to psycho ppl to make deals w you and all...
but shortly after 2 rounds, i had to leave for hotel intercontinental for my afternoon tea w
jarrod, michelle, leslie, nigel, louise, eelis, lynette and her fren, chewy.
we sat at the lobby lunge which had high tea till 5pm... and it includes those dainty looking pastry trays of scones, sandwiches and puffs to have ur tea with... if only i had a pic to show... stupid cam ran out of batt.
so we had snacks instead... the beer battered prawns were wonderful as were the scallop and bacon skewers...
prawns were nice and fresh. the scallops were simply juicy...
we also had some cake from the coffeehouse... and they were fabulous as well...
a full day of dining...
after dat i went home to rest for a while before goign to mark's house again...
this time it was juz a few of us, mark, benji, jacq and john... and we had durian!!
jeannette had a durian party thingy at her place 2 thur ago..
but i was still sick and under medication so i din eat any... but this time was different... i was all well...
john managed to strike up a wonderful bargain for us... 2 boxes of durians for the price of 1 and the guy threw in a small box of durian free.
seriously, only john can pull off such a bargain... there's no way i could have done it... i'll prob like pay $76 for the 2 boxes and not get any free...
it was $38 a box. the small one cost abt $15 i think... cant really rem.
so while waiting for john, ben, jacq, mark and i played this boardgame called puerto rico...
it's game where u have to develop ur island and make produce for export or sale to generate cash and points to win the game...
it's quite a fun game... cant wait to play again...
and so ends my sunday...
the actual day was a little quieter compared to the previuos days of merry making... if u can call all dat merry making...
met friggy, jacq and jarrod for lunch at habourfront... and while having lunch, this group at another table started singing 'happy birthday'
and so it was this girl's birthday... sarah if dat's how u spell her name...
and it was her 20th birthday if the candles on the cake reflected the actual age...
and so i found one other person who shares my birthday... was somewhat tempted to go up to her and wish her a happy birthday but didn't...
and so after lunch, i went for a mani/pedi w jacq @ raffles exchange. was pretty good i must say.. liked the environment there..
rather pleasant and comfortable. and the staff got a little confused when they were trying to tell each other who was getting a mani
and who was getting a pedi coz i was doing a mani/pedi and jacq was only doing pedi. was quite funny actually.. now dat i think abt it...
after dat, we had coffee and idled the time away till abt 6ish. den we went to cali fitness at raffles.
was supposed to gym w benji but he wasa little late coz of work.. but it felt really good to b back in the gym exercising...
and getting dat achy, sore feeling from the exercise...
and it was dinner cum supper at crystal jade at holland v after gym... had porridge. meatball porridge w century egg.
good stuff man... haven't had good porridge in a long time...
bryan, jeannette and john joined us after they were done w the 'shine, jesus, shine' rally at novena church.
so we dined till abt 10.40 or so and we headed home.
while waiting for the bus, i saw another girl wishing her fren a 'happy birthday' before one of them boarded the bus.
so dat makes 2 other persons sharing my birthday...
i know dat there are other ppl born on the same day as me... but i've never like seen or met these ppl before...
and when i do, it's 2 persons... how cool/weird/funny is dat...
i dun even know how to describe it... haha...
so dat's dat for my birthday....
wad a long entry... and if u managed to read it all, good for u...
and i appreciate ur patience in staying w me thru it all...
and to all my wonderful frens who have been and are still a part of my life, thank you.
thank you for sharing your lives w me and for making me a part of your life...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
听华语歌, 学华语
i've no idea why but after i got back... somehow i got into the 93.3 mood...
not dat i'm into listening to the station...
but got the mood to listen to 华语歌... david tao, 张震岳, jolin tsai, s.h.e. , gigi leung, sammi cheng...
mayb coz i found out dat 张震岳 released a new album so went to get it...
listen already got into the 华语歌 mood...
but it's a nice feeling listening to chinese songs again...
the last time i was listening to 93.3 was during bmt...
coz the bunk radio was always on 93.3 so ended up listening to it for quite a while,
even after bmt... haha...
well... duno how long this craze, mood or watever u call it is gona last...
guess i'm not too bothered... mayb until i leave singapore for another job...
till then... 华语歌万岁!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Home and Sick...
i'm back once more... after being away for like almost 3 months...
wat's dat? yes... it's been almost 3 months already...
wat a stretch... but luckily i got a little 4 day break in the 3rd week of july... while home for a while, managed to order a laptop (yay!), and got it in time b4 i left again...
this 2nd trip was almost like the first.. long periods @ sea... tho not as bad as the last job...
but while on the job we lost one of our equipment to the local fishermen... was told it cost like usd38,000.
like ouch man... but it's part and parcel of the job and was told it's quite common to lose the equipment in the gulf of thailand...
this trip has been rather fun, coz of the ppl i was working with... i had 2 gaming buddies onboard.
the 2 surveyors on my shift. one's malaysian, the other's thai. so we had lots of fun making fun of each other, tricking each other.
the malaysian surveyor fren bluffed the thai guy dat cin-chow was called lan cheow. and the thai guy was happily asking us if we wanted "lan cheow"... until a few days later, he discovered the real name of the drink on the can itself...
here are the 2 clowns: the one on the left is the malaysian, e other , obviously is the thai.
oh well... den the bad shit came... started having a fever last sat... kept coming on and off as i popped panadol to try to supress it. was in port on monday and i went to see a doc...
sailed off the next morning and i was feeling fine... when the nite came... fever came on again... and it was quite a torture... i was shivering under the covers... but blistering burning on the outside...
was put on cold compress and sent back to port and to a hospital for a checkup. the sailing journey wasn't like 2-3 hrs. it like took us ab t 12 hours to sail back to port coz we have already been sailing for 12hrs plus since we left port.
so saw the doc @ the hospital and was booked on a flight home the same nite...
so here i am now.. back at home... free to eat the foods i miss so much... esp chinese food...
but dat was like wed nite when i came home... feeling much better now... but i've got like a course of antibiotics to take till next thurs. *bleh*
but saw this funny t-shirt while shopping w the guys on one of the days b4 we sailed off...
now... before u start calling me a bin laden supporter (which for the record, i am not!!)
this is wat it says on the back...
other adventures while on the job:
a sea snake was caught on our equipment as we brought it up on deck...
part of the job required us to take seabed samples... marine clay.. prob the same stuff they use in spas for ur mud scrub.
this is wad we do with the extra clay we bring up...
well... guess dat's all for now...
juz have to focus on getting well so dat i can celebrate my bday properly when it comes round... :)
Saturday, June 03, 2006
I Wana Kick Myself
i wana kick myself in the butt...
coz before i left for labuan, i was reading some of my older entries...
and one of my entries was abt my possible career options after my contract w the airforce ends.
and i said in DAt entry dat i dun wana do sales and insurance and the like.
and i bleeady went to do try financial planning...
so dun i deserve a kick in the butt or not ?
anyway... i'm in labuan now... after 4 days of sailing...
of which, i spent abt 2 1/2 days sick...
it all started w this one guy who was coughing and sniffly...
den the next day, another guy went down...
and the day after dat, it was my turn...
i was like coughing and coughing and my nose was all blocked...
and i had a fever dat would come and go and come and go...
when we got docked alongside the jetty this morning, i and all the other sick guys all got sent to the doc's.
so now i've gotten myself a holw bunch of medicine to take:
antibiotics, fever med, med to lessen the throat irritation, cough syrup which comes in a wee little bottle,
and lozenges.
of coz i bought some other stuff of my own... like vicks vaporub to keep the nose unblocked, strepsils and pi pa gao to soothe the throat when the lozenges dun work or run out, whichever comes first.
as well as a small bottle of multi-vitamins which smells putrid but i'm sure they're good for me...
hahaha... seems like things good for the body always smell or taste funny...
hoping to find a chinese medicinal shop tom...
den mayb can buy some ginseng to make ginseng tea for myself.
alritey... guess i'll stop for now... hope everything clears up and i get better over the next couple of days...
pray for me... and i'll see u all in sg at the end of june...
coz i gota b ard in july for my reservist... hahaha...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The World's Greatest Competition in June...
with no internet access, or tv reception, and hopefully a laptop which i can borrow to keep my sanity.
how sucky can dat be?
but den again... it's not like i'll b up every nite watching the matches.
but still?! i'll be away... i cant watch even if i decide dat i want to...
oh well... i dun even know who i wana support... so there...
but the good thing is dat i'll prob have quite a fat paycheck in july...
alrite... dat's all for today... another hardearned USD60 today.
and it's another bleedy working day tom and everyday till i leave...
i wana cut hair, get a facial and get a mani/pedi before i go...
last couple of weeks - got time, no money.
now - got money, no time...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
A Yummilicious, HeartBreaking $85 Dinner
guess partly i've been lazy and partly i've been bumming at home...
so nothing has really been happening...
met up w rachel for dinner today...
she wanted to try this yakitori place at cuppage plaza
coz she read abt it from some foodie's blog.
so off we went to try the food at the place.
the place is called Kazu. it's on the 4th floor. #04-05, cuppage plaza.

and the food was FANTASTIC !!
we felt kinda adventurous and tried some of the foods dat
i'll prob not order on an ordinary day...
besides the ordinary yakitori foods like chicken meatball, mini hamburger, chicken skin, gizzard, liver, etc,
we had some rather rarely eaten dishes.
we had this dish called 'baby eel ponzu'
it's basically baby eel in a ponzu sauce... it's quite nice... tho a little saltish.
check out the little black eye on the fairly translucent body of the baby eel...
so cool... heh heh...

check out the little beady eye on the top.
after which our order of the chef's appetizer of the day is served.

on the left is some eel thingy.. cant remember exactly wat it's called.
in the middle is potato w salmon roe... yummy big beady ones.
and on the right is some mountain vegetable... which wasn't too bad.
we also ordered the foie gras and salmon belly... both of which were heavenly...

foie gras on the left, salmon belly on the right.
esp the foie gras. the moment it went into my mouth, i could feel it melt away...
the salmon belly was the same also... the outside was nice and cooked...
and the inside was simply melting away when i bit into it.
up next, was this...
go on... make a guess wat this is...

horse sashimi !
who would have tot dat one could have horse sashimi...
and it tasted fabulous w the garlic and chives dip.
and it's quite tasteless on it's own...
no funny horsey taste or anything of dat sort...
up next was the homemade tofu...
we were expecting some tofu thingy... but it turned out to be...

tofu made from salmon !
and on top of it is a cauliflower sauce which was quite good, along w a sesame and a vegetable paste.
sesame paste in the middle, veg paste on the right.
not to forget the grated carrot on the left.
we also had other yummy stuff like quail's egg wrapped in pork belly or wat i thikn is bacon... haha...
golden mushrooms wrapped in unagi.
not to mention sea urchin sushi as well...
last but defintely not least... we had the cheese prawn...

it's basically prawn dat's been grilled and covered w a layer of cheese.
quite v yummy i must say... was quite surprised dat the medium sized prawn we got was quite large...
and it came towards the end when we both were quite rather full...
sorry this one looks rather mutilated coz this was after i had shelled it...
with the cheese everywhere on the plate and the prawn...
and to top things off... dinner was accompanied by a flask of warm sake.
but of coz when the bill came... it was heart pain...
coz the total bill for 2 greedy people came up to $170... haha...
but i must say it was money well spent...
coz not only was the food great, the service was good as well...
friendly staff who more or less know wat they're serving and if they don't, they'll find out for you.
a truly fantastic experience... i wun hesitate to go there again if i have the funds to do so...
so everyone give the place a try... remember...
it's called kazu, at cuppage plaza, #04-05.
and pls make a reservation b4 going down coz it can get crowded.
when we left, there were like 2 groups of ppl waiting for their table...
and it's one of those places u can sit there, talk and eat the time away...
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Your 2005 Song Is |
![]() Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz "Love forever love is free.Let's turn forever you and me." In 2005, you were loving life and feeling no pain. |
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Back and Gone Again Soon...
i'm back liao... actually was back on monday. but was busy meeting upo w friends for dinner...
and a little lazy to blog abt my trip..
this trip was quite ok... din go bak to shore often like the last time coz the trip back to shore will take us like abt 20-24hrs...
so after we left the jetty, it was a 24hr journey to the survey sites and another 17 days of work thereafter...
think i like thai airways so much better than MAS.
first, i get to eat w proper cutlery, instead of the crappy plasticky ones MAS gives their passengers.
secondly, they offer us nice hot rolls to go w our meals. MAS offers none... bleh.
while enroute to the survey site, we went past a few oil rigs that were there. and we were actually quite close to one... so grabbed the opportunity for a photo moment.
i absolutely love the views i get while working offshore... those gorgeous sunsets and sunrises are sights to behold. the other good thing abt this trip is dat the waters in the guf of thailand are very very calm... it almost looks like it's water in a tub... w/o a thrashing baby in it...hehe.
and made another discovery... if u had tot dat gardenia only sells bread, guess again...
we had strawberry flavoured soft drinks onboard...
so dat was work in general...
after we got back, i and another 2 friends got a taxi to take us to hatyai, a 45mins drive from our hotel in songkhla. we spent a few hours there, trying to buy some tees and stuff...
in the end, i only got a t-shirt. we also went to this salon to get our ears cleaned out...
so the girl whipped out her set of tools like cotton buds and wat-not and got down to work..
felt damn good after dat... also went to the nearby mac's to grab a bite...
and saw on the menu a sight we'll never get to see in sg...
pork in their menu...
after dat went back to the hotel coz we were having a end-of-job dinner paid for by the manager.
the food was excellent. had crabs, prawns, tom yam soup, veg, squid.
went for couple of drinks and den it's off to bed b4 going home the next day...
really miss seeing and going out w my friends, esp close ones whom i see almost every week.
well... dun u all forget me ya...
havent uploaded the fotos to flickr yet.. so will let u all know once they're up.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Grooming Day
when i was walking to the hairdresser's @ meridien
saw this mani-pedi place on the ground floor...
den began contemplating if i shd go for a mani-pedi or not.
shoved off the thought when i reached the salon.
after my haircut, as i walking out, tot i'll ask how much first...
by dat time, i was v much inclined to get a mani-pedi.
so went to the shop, asked for the price and got one done...
it was quite a funny sight,
seeing some of the ppl doing a double take when they see a guy in there getting his nails done...
so i now have nice shiny nails... :)
think i'll have a mani-pedi everytime i come back from a trip...
it's quite a pampering feeling... Mmmm....
so ladies, feel free to ask me along if u cant find any mani-pedi buddy... :)
this makes it my 3rd mani and 2nd pedi in my life...
and the beginning of more to come i guess...
oh well... leaving for thailand tom. think i'll be buying some tees...
if u have anything u want me to get for u, sms me.
or if u need to get hold of me, u can email me at:
and pls put my name in the subject header...
this is the common email addy everyone on the ship uses.
and it's only applicable to this current trip.
and i think i'll try to make a new friend on each flight i take.
and so make myself talk to the stranger next to me, and expand my contacts..
and i'm planning to record my weight b4 and after every trip.
see if i've gained weight... haha...
can get pretty fattening, juz eating and sleeping onboard...
weight before trip: 66kg
we'll see when i get back ;)
Monday, February 27, 2006
Home Sweet Home
back in a world where ppl speak my language and know me for who i am.
not dat working on the ship has been a bad experience. in fact it was great!
let me start from the beginning once more... but before we go on, juz a note.
becoz i'm tired of trying to load the pics onto the blog page, i've made links to the pics...
if they dun turn out rite, let me know... i'll make amendments asap.
now back to my adventures...
it's a really great feeling flying first class on my first trip out of changi...
walked abt the place. and snapped a foto of myself w the koi.. hehe...
before the flight i went to the MAS golden lounge or something like dat. cant remember the name... hehe.
dang. shd have taken a photo of the entrance.
nice little place to relax and chill or snack. there's food and drink.
and a reclining couch to sleep on at the back.
once on board the stewardess offered us a hot towel.
and the food is served on proper plates and eaten w proper cutlery.
plus there's a nice foot rest and much wider seats...
so quite unlike economy...
think it's always such an experience to be flying... going thru the clouds.
and enjoying the view from high above.
saw this mean looking cloud when we were almost reaching KL. the pilot had already made announcements to turn off all electronic devices and yada yada... but i din care.. i had to take a photo of this rare sight :)
think KLIA is quite a boring place to transit in. somehow it doesn't feel as comfy and bustling like changi.
saw this pic in the MAS mag on my flt to labuan, sabah. tot it's kinda cute so i snapped a foto too... hehe.
after a 2 hr flt, i reached labuan... it was pouring when i arrived la... but got onto the transport and was whisked off to the ship...
my little home away from home is a little cabin on the ship...
fotos: view from the door - left, centre, right
view from the window
managed to snap a pic of the full moon which was shielded by clouds...
wanted to get a pic of the moon shining over the water. but i was working on the deck when i saw it.
so had to wait till work was done but by the time work was over, the moon was directly over us.
so no nice pic.. mayb on my next trip...
and our little indulgence on the trip... wall's magnum.
and here is the view i get every morning... the view at near noon... and the view in the evening...
like i said in my prev post.. work is alrite... food's good.
din get to use the gym tho... too lazy... :)
and i've got 3 sets of footwear @ work - 1) before/ after work footwear
2) working in the control room footwear
my 3rd set is my safety boots but i only wear them when i have work to do...
somehow din manage to get a pic of them... but i'm sure u'll get the idea.
nothing much on the island of labuan. there's a shopping mall called U.K.
utama kewangan is the full name... haha...
but there's sheraton over there too... and if u are like me and tot dat asia hotel @ scotts road is a local hotel,
think again... i saw another branch of asia hotel there too... but this one at labuan looks in pretty bad shape.
went to check out the only discotheque on the island... jupiter 8
it's pretty much like the discos in thailand...
lots of tables for ppl to sit at and drink... small dance floor. live band playing.
the band dat played dat nite was from kuching... nothing much really... think sg's clubbing scene more happening...
saw 3 trannies there... and there was dis guy who kept groping one of the "guy"'s butt...
which reminded me of my first nite on shore after going out to sea for a couple of days...
was walking w a couple of frens to join my other colleagues for a drink, den i saw this tranny sitting at a park bench,
doing a janet jackson wardrobe malfunction... *argh* *choke* *vomit*
but he/she juz sat there as if nothing was wrong... dun think he/she din realize the tit was showing...
alrite... finally i'm done w this entry... which has stretched 3 days for me to finish...
stay tuned for my adventures in sawadee thailand... :)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Updates from Labuan
t'is me... posting from a cyber cafe in labuan.
the last few days has been fine...
except for yesterday when the sea was pretty rough...
was literally rocked to sleep... hehe...
could feel myself bobbing as i fall asleep...
food onboard is pretty good i must say... but i guess dat's the only way to keep morale up when u've got like abt 20 odd guys on one single vessel, away from all forms of communication from the world, with the exception of the vessel's email. no online access, no hp reception...
we had lamp chops on wed and today. steak was yesterday.
grilled prawns was on the menu yesterday too...
accommodation-wise is alrite... got a little cabin to myself. juz enough for me to sleep and change and wash up in. heard dat one of the ship's crew had to move out to make space for me... :p
but it's been a great experience overall...
haven't gotten down to doing real work coz the other ship was having some trouble getting good calibrations for some equipment they are using for the job. so i've been eating and sleeping and watching dvds more or less for the whole time since wed.
i'm now back on shore coz the weather out at the worksite is pretty rough and we cant get a good calibration on the equipment onboard our ship w the kind of waves we were encountering.
it's a nice feeling to b back on solid ground.
showering has been a great adventure while on the rough waters... juz imagine having to shower while having to keep ur balance as well... but amazingly there's hot water so it's not dat bad :)
well... i'm planning to use the ship's gym some time soon... think i probably put on some weight eating and sleeping over the last few days. we're eating all throughout the day.
breakfast @7.30-8.30am
lunch @11.30-12.30pm
afternoon break @2pm
dinner @5.30-6.30pm
supper @10.30pm
there's always food in the mess. lots of food. if the food's not to our liking, which in my opinion is unlikely, there's indomie mi goreng, or maggi mee to cook. we've even got ice-cream on board.
had a magnum today... hehe...
problem tho is dat juz abt everyone speaks in malay... looks like i may have to enrol myself in some conversational berhasa course or something... :)
guess dat's all i have for now... hope to b able to update more...
cant wait to get home... and meet up w everyone..
take care !
ciao !!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Leaving On A Jet Plane
here i am, at changi airport T2... waiting for my flight to KLIA.
company needed someone to bring some equipment to Labuan, Sabah and i gmaely volunteered.
getting to travel sure beats having to stay in the workshop everyday.
would you believe it? this is my first flight out from changi airport.
3rd commercial flight in my whole life !!
and guess wad? i'm flying first class !! WOOHOO !!
but flying MAS but who gives a damn? i'm flying 1st class !! hahaha...
strangely enough tho, the lady at the check-in counter looked somewhat like xiaxue...
was quite tempted to take a photo, so u all can make ur own comparisons...
but figured dat would seem kinda rude.
as of now, i have no idea if i'll be going over for a night or if i'll be given the clearance to work onboard the ship for 3 weeks or so...
i'm crossing my fingers i'll get to go onboard... think it'll be a great experience.
i'll try to update every now and den if i'm going for 3 weeks...
sorry for the long absence... i know adrian was asking me to update a while ago... :)
had my convocation on 21st jan... photos are still w leslie in his camera...
so i'll put those up when i get them...
shall sign off now and lounge at the MAS Golden Lounge for 1st and business class holders !!
take care y'all...
and i'll see ya !!
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy New Year !!
hope everyone had a great new year's eve countdown and a great first day of the new year.
well, this year marks the beginning of a new life. as fr said during mass, to leave behind the barang-barang of 2005 and move ahead to 2006.
think it made quite a significant amt of sense to me.
in addition to dat, new year's day marked the election of the next group of 7 leaders for VC and we have them !! yay !!
congrats to jeannette, stacie, cynthia, jia ling, stephi, marianne and jerome.
i wish u all the best in your term as the future leaders for the youths.
mayb to back-track a bit to 2005 first. wana thank the peeps who took time to write me a christmas card.
i've gotten too lazy to write liao... haven't done so in duno how many years...
but tot i make little gifts for everyone so i went to get some chocs from mark's and spencer's and wrapped them up to give away.
ivan tot dat the snowman chocs was too cute to unwrap and eat... not sure if he's decided dat he has to eat it anyway... :)
and point to note, u know you are of a certain very old age when the contents of most of the cards you receive thank you for being a big brother and looking after them and giving them advice, etc.
i am old. i'm like now only 2 years away from the big 3-0.
but no worries... i'm still young at heart. it's quite difficult to grow old when u have to interact w little children from 15-19 years old every week... hehe...
but yeah... it was a good christmas nonetheless...
now back to the new year. had countdown at fel's place. thanx fel for opening ur place for us !!
it was quitea bust day... slept at 3am, woke up at abt 7.15am, went for 8.30am mass,
met fr richards w the new 7 and went to play soccer after dat. played till 1plus, had lunch, went home bathed and took a nap at abt 3pm. the short nap lasted till 8pm.
wat a good rest but now i'm aching all over. played my first mj game in 2006.
justin wa bored and wanted to play. so he and steph came over and off we went.
played 2 rounds till 6am.
won $24. not a bad start i'd say...
so here's to 2006 and may everyone have a great year ahead.
i think i will... new career, new oppotunities, new people to meet, guess the list is kinda endless...
take care and god bless !!
p.s. i'll let u all know how the job is like once i've started... cant wait to start.. coz dat means i'm getting money every month.