Today was quite a day...
went for a fren's wedding in the morning,
den visited a fren who gave birth at thomson medical this morning.
and i found out in the evening dat the archbishop meritus (i hope dat's how u spell it) passed away this afternoon.
went for my other frens' engagement bbq after going to daily scoop and island creamery to pick up ice cream.
now i'm back.. feeling kinda achy coz i played bball w my colleagues after work for abt an hour or an hour and a half. running ard is damn tiring la! and my shooting sux. BIG TIME.
i only scored like 2 baskets and both were from lay-ups. so mayb i need to work on dat.
was supposed to play tennis w ben n jacq in the morning... but i'm quite tired.
and wun b able to run abt when i play... so i think i'll pass this time round and join them next time.
another 7 more days and my new tv arrives! so exciting!!
thinking of going to ikea tom afternoon to buy a shelf so i can put my 360 and future starhub digital box. den i will have completed turning my room into my personal gaming/ entertainment room.
i can watch dvds on the 360 since dat doubles up as a dvd player. game on the 360 or laptop,
which incidentally, is giving me lots of problems.
i suspect the hdd is abt to fail. which means time to back up all my fotos, music and other impt docs b4 it officially crashes.
it really sux to lose all ur fotos, bookmarks, contacts, savegames, music and wad not when the hdd goes. so rem... backup all ur impt data.
better still, kepp them on a separate physical hdd. makes life easier.
it's almost 2 am now... looks like it seems i have found my mood to blog...
hope the momentum keeps going...
gona go off now... see ya all later!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Shock Shock, Horror Horror!!
Was looking thru my Amex acct online the other day...
and i saw 2 horror transactions -
MY TAX RETURNS!!! gone like dat.
was wondering wad it was at first... den i checked my tax return docs.
and saw the terms dat if the forms were not mailed back by 14 june,
they will debit the returns to my credit card.
so it means my forms din reach them on time.
at first i couldn't find my receipt for my registered mail.
so i tot i might have sent them out late.
but i found my receipt on my office table this morning and it says dat i had sent it out on 4 june.
somewhere, somehow, someone screwed up... and i have to pay abt $350 for it.
there goes my samsonite.
email singpost to find out when my docs reached global refund in paris.
i hope i can contest the payment n make them gime my money back :(
and i hope it's the french postal service's fault...
but even if it is, now i'm wondering how i can get my money back.
and i saw 2 horror transactions -
19 June | EARLY REFUND 22,80 EUROPEAN UNION EURO | $49.58 | |
19 June | EARLY REFUND 136,83 EUROPEAN UNION EURO | $297.57 |
MY TAX RETURNS!!! gone like dat.
was wondering wad it was at first... den i checked my tax return docs.
and saw the terms dat if the forms were not mailed back by 14 june,
they will debit the returns to my credit card.
so it means my forms din reach them on time.
at first i couldn't find my receipt for my registered mail.
so i tot i might have sent them out late.
but i found my receipt on my office table this morning and it says dat i had sent it out on 4 june.
somewhere, somehow, someone screwed up... and i have to pay abt $350 for it.
there goes my samsonite.
email singpost to find out when my docs reached global refund in paris.
i hope i can contest the payment n make them gime my money back :(
and i hope it's the french postal service's fault...
but even if it is, now i'm wondering how i can get my money back.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Problem Solved
Fixed the problem w the tagboard.
turns out they changed the html coding for the board and their website.
no wonder my tagboard couldn't load.
but dat's all solved now.
guess all dat learning to write html years ago in poly is still paying off somewhat.
europe post still w-i-p.
turns out they changed the html coding for the board and their website.
no wonder my tagboard couldn't load.
but dat's all solved now.
guess all dat learning to write html years ago in poly is still paying off somewhat.
europe post still w-i-p.
Craving Satisfied
It's now 2.22am.
juz came back from supper w ewen.
was supposed to go sleep ard 1am...
but somehow felt a little hungry.
wanted to cook instant noodles n fry my little can of foie gras but was too lazy to cook.
so mac's is the next best choice. but figured by the time, they deliver to my place,
i could have gone to the one at bb central n have my fries n b on my way back.
been wanting to have fries coz i wana have them w the sauce i bought in paris.
sauce pomme-frites it is called. and it's gooooood.
the mac's in paris also give a similar sauce for their fries and i like it.
so bought the sauce when i saw it in the supermarket.
looks quite like the one from mac's, but slightly different still.
anyway... so wanted to eat something and i know i wana go out.
so i asked ewen since i know both him and fel are awake but fel is busy w work.
technically i can walk to bb central and ewen has to drive down.
but he din feel like driving and i really wana have my fries w the sauce.
so i drove down to pick him up.
after one large fries, i wasn't satisfied. my mouth still longed for something more. so did my stomach.
so i went to order another 6pc nuggets and an apple pie.
and after all dat, my craving is finally satisfied.
and now, i'm a little too full to go sleep now.
confirm will get fat like shit. not dat i'm not right now...
but at least i'm not like FAT fat... juz tubby fat.
watever dat means...
still working on my europe post. no inspiration to write dat one...
so dat'll take a while for me to complete it.
bear w me...
a word of apology to my frens who have dropped by now and then to only discover
the bloody potato hasn't posted anything new in so many months.
a 50% complete foto compilation of my europe trip can b found here.
and for everyone's info, i'm still selling my Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Jasmin in white.
dimensions are: 12.6" x 7.1" x 3.5"

mail me for more details.
and with dat, i end this post. till den...
and keep reminding abt my europe post ;)
juz came back from supper w ewen.
was supposed to go sleep ard 1am...
but somehow felt a little hungry.
wanted to cook instant noodles n fry my little can of foie gras but was too lazy to cook.
so mac's is the next best choice. but figured by the time, they deliver to my place,
i could have gone to the one at bb central n have my fries n b on my way back.
been wanting to have fries coz i wana have them w the sauce i bought in paris.
sauce pomme-frites it is called. and it's gooooood.
the mac's in paris also give a similar sauce for their fries and i like it.
so bought the sauce when i saw it in the supermarket.
looks quite like the one from mac's, but slightly different still.
anyway... so wanted to eat something and i know i wana go out.
so i asked ewen since i know both him and fel are awake but fel is busy w work.
technically i can walk to bb central and ewen has to drive down.
but he din feel like driving and i really wana have my fries w the sauce.
so i drove down to pick him up.
after one large fries, i wasn't satisfied. my mouth still longed for something more. so did my stomach.
so i went to order another 6pc nuggets and an apple pie.
and after all dat, my craving is finally satisfied.
and now, i'm a little too full to go sleep now.
confirm will get fat like shit. not dat i'm not right now...
but at least i'm not like FAT fat... juz tubby fat.
watever dat means...
still working on my europe post. no inspiration to write dat one...
so dat'll take a while for me to complete it.
bear w me...
a word of apology to my frens who have dropped by now and then to only discover
the bloody potato hasn't posted anything new in so many months.
a 50% complete foto compilation of my europe trip can b found here.
and for everyone's info, i'm still selling my Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Jasmin in white.
dimensions are: 12.6" x 7.1" x 3.5"

mail me for more details.
and with dat, i end this post. till den...
and keep reminding abt my europe post ;)
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