Was watching the telly in the hotel b4 checking out and the hosts of the morning show, sunrise, were interviewing this guy who had juz released a book abt compatibility based on ur birthdate.
all u need to do is to add the digits of ur bdate and reduce it till it's a single digit.
eg. 4/9/1978 = 4 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 38, 3 + 8 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2.
went to google for the analysis and i must say it's a fairly accurate analysis.
if anyone gives this a try, let me know how accurate it is.
gona b checking out soon and going down to st kilda's beach.
hope luna park is open, but i really dun think so coz the sch hols are over.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
There's No Place Like Home
Am in the hotel room now.
flight's booked for tom at 11.20am...
upgrade confirmed...
but guess i'm not destined to leave melbourne yet.
coz abt 1/2hr ago, my boss called.
the client called to say dat the boat will b ready by wed.
and so i am staying some more.
i'm so ready to go home liao lor.
kinda falling ill... nose is all clogging up, and am coughing a little liao.
now i'm wishing i have dorothy's shoes to click myself home.
flight's booked for tom at 11.20am...
upgrade confirmed...
but guess i'm not destined to leave melbourne yet.
coz abt 1/2hr ago, my boss called.
the client called to say dat the boat will b ready by wed.
and so i am staying some more.
i'm so ready to go home liao lor.
kinda falling ill... nose is all clogging up, and am coughing a little liao.
now i'm wishing i have dorothy's shoes to click myself home.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Luck Running Out?
I happily checked out of the hotel today to go to the vessel,
confident we'll get my test done and we'll sail out.
but let's juz say i think my luck has run out.
first i missed the captain's email in the morning which could have saved me all the misery.
coz he emailed me to stay on in the hotel coz the vessel isn't sailing till sunday. 2 nites leh!!
i could have done so much more w 2 days n 2 nites lor. like buy more clothes and shoes n gamble some more.
but instead i'm stuck onboard the vessel, with nothing to do, no shopping, no gambling, no walkabouts.
with a slow internet connection, tho i shd b grateful dat there's internet access onboard.
and to make things a little more worse, the internet connection point in my cabin isn't working and i have to use the connection in another cabin.
kinda getting a little sick of this waiting thingy. i juz wana get out and go back.
coz wad was supposed to be a hit and run job, became a lengthy car chase.
so i'll b missing on sat, the super bbq we've been planning for and on sun, sentosa sunday,
which we haven't have had in quite a long time as well.
and i cant go back in time to start my IPT since i've missed 3 sessions now.
and i can only miss 2 sessions if i wana get rt exemption.
so dat means i'm gona re-book for another schedule for my IPT.
confident we'll get my test done and we'll sail out.
but let's juz say i think my luck has run out.
first i missed the captain's email in the morning which could have saved me all the misery.
coz he emailed me to stay on in the hotel coz the vessel isn't sailing till sunday. 2 nites leh!!
i could have done so much more w 2 days n 2 nites lor. like buy more clothes and shoes n gamble some more.
but instead i'm stuck onboard the vessel, with nothing to do, no shopping, no gambling, no walkabouts.
with a slow internet connection, tho i shd b grateful dat there's internet access onboard.
and to make things a little more worse, the internet connection point in my cabin isn't working and i have to use the connection in another cabin.
kinda getting a little sick of this waiting thingy. i juz wana get out and go back.
coz wad was supposed to be a hit and run job, became a lengthy car chase.
so i'll b missing on sat, the super bbq we've been planning for and on sun, sentosa sunday,
which we haven't have had in quite a long time as well.
and i cant go back in time to start my IPT since i've missed 3 sessions now.
and i can only miss 2 sessions if i wana get rt exemption.
so dat means i'm gona re-book for another schedule for my IPT.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Weekend Cruise To Nowhere
I'm going on a cruise tom.
gona b out until sunday i think and i hope it'll only b until sunday.
so dat means i wun b able to make it for the super bbq n sentosa weekend w the churchies.
sigh... was SO looking fwd to that lor.
stupid boat.
so instead of the bbq on sat n sentosa on sunday, i have a 3d2n cruise to nowhere, doing nothing.
and hopefully i'll get to return home on monday.
den can go for my IPT on tues.
i dowan to re-book my ipt. i want to fast fast clear.
gona b out until sunday i think and i hope it'll only b until sunday.
so dat means i wun b able to make it for the super bbq n sentosa weekend w the churchies.
sigh... was SO looking fwd to that lor.
stupid boat.
so instead of the bbq on sat n sentosa on sunday, i have a 3d2n cruise to nowhere, doing nothing.
and hopefully i'll get to return home on monday.
den can go for my IPT on tues.
i dowan to re-book my ipt. i want to fast fast clear.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Billy Elliot
The show was great!!

the dancing was fantastic - the ballet and the tap.
ESPECIALLY the tap. loved it.
had a little trouble trying to catch the accents. but on the whole, it was great.
the ending bit when everyone was coming out to take a bow was a real treat coz everyone was tapping.
wonder when they'll come to sg and i'll love to see where they get the peeps to play billy.
they got 5 aussie kids to play the lead kid roles of billy, michael (billy's good fren) and debbie so the kids get enough rest.
and i think i caught the show on opening nite :P
lucky me!
and while on my way back to the hotel after e show, i saw this:

a stretch hummer la!
in bright pink no less!
alritey... i'm off to crown now!
wish me lotsa luck!!
the dancing was fantastic - the ballet and the tap.
ESPECIALLY the tap. loved it.
had a little trouble trying to catch the accents. but on the whole, it was great.
the ending bit when everyone was coming out to take a bow was a real treat coz everyone was tapping.
wonder when they'll come to sg and i'll love to see where they get the peeps to play billy.
they got 5 aussie kids to play the lead kid roles of billy, michael (billy's good fren) and debbie so the kids get enough rest.
and i think i caught the show on opening nite :P
lucky me!
and while on my way back to the hotel after e show, i saw this:
a stretch hummer la!
in bright pink no less!
alritey... i'm off to crown now!
wish me lotsa luck!!
Shopping And Eating
Since I have half a day free after finishing up wad i had to do,
i walked to DFO next to southern cross station. and all i needed was an hour
and i had spent 225. 2 tees from jay jays, 1 tee and 1 polo from mossimo, 1 pair of berms and a pack of 5 pad socks from industrie, and a pair of slippers from aldo.

the loot -
domo rocks n super grover are from jay jays,
the other 2 tops are from mossimo, berms from industrie
and slippers from aldo.
and after walking thru and buying wad i wanted, i brought my loot back to the hotel.
and while packing my stuff, i remembered dat 'Billy Elliot the Musical' is here in melb.
went to google the show and after 10mins, i was at the ticketing counter, buying my ticket for tonite's show @ 7.30pm.
after ticketing, it was time to fill me tumtum coz the show's only abt 2.5hrs away.
and so to swanston st i walked. why?
coz there's where mekong is. ryan swears by dat place i tell u.
hahaha... and i love it too.
the beef is oh-so-tender, the soup so tasty, the serving so big.
and their deep fried spring rolls are good too!
and greedy me bought a packet of rice to takeaway for my late nite snack b4 i head out to crown.
plan to go to melb central for a little more shopping tom and den head out to st kilda's beach and hang out there till evening when the night market starts. as luck will have it, it's happens only every thurs nite and wad do u know? it's thursday nite tom!!
so dat's y i'm gona b there to catch the sunset as well... but the sun doesn't set till abt 8pm.
alrite... gota go and shower up and get ready for billy elliot.
take care everyone! and i'll see u soon!!
i walked to DFO next to southern cross station. and all i needed was an hour
and i had spent 225. 2 tees from jay jays, 1 tee and 1 polo from mossimo, 1 pair of berms and a pack of 5 pad socks from industrie, and a pair of slippers from aldo.
the loot -
domo rocks n super grover are from jay jays,
the other 2 tops are from mossimo, berms from industrie
and slippers from aldo.
and after walking thru and buying wad i wanted, i brought my loot back to the hotel.
and while packing my stuff, i remembered dat 'Billy Elliot the Musical' is here in melb.
went to google the show and after 10mins, i was at the ticketing counter, buying my ticket for tonite's show @ 7.30pm.
after ticketing, it was time to fill me tumtum coz the show's only abt 2.5hrs away.
and so to swanston st i walked. why?
coz there's where mekong is. ryan swears by dat place i tell u.
hahaha... and i love it too.
the beef is oh-so-tender, the soup so tasty, the serving so big.
and their deep fried spring rolls are good too!
and greedy me bought a packet of rice to takeaway for my late nite snack b4 i head out to crown.
plan to go to melb central for a little more shopping tom and den head out to st kilda's beach and hang out there till evening when the night market starts. as luck will have it, it's happens only every thurs nite and wad do u know? it's thursday nite tom!!
so dat's y i'm gona b there to catch the sunset as well... but the sun doesn't set till abt 8pm.
alrite... gota go and shower up and get ready for billy elliot.
take care everyone! and i'll see u soon!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
You Know...
You're kinda screwed when u know u have to wake up at 8.30 to start work
but u're still online and wide awake and still playing mousehunt, robot builder and fish wrangler on fb.
flying to melb on business class was indeed a real pampering experience.
a seat wide enough to sit 1 1/2 of me, as well as a seatbelt w airbag

this is the seat next to mine my personal entertainment centre seatbelt w airbag - who would have thought?
- i was too lazy to get off my arse to take a pic of MY seat,
3 course meal after take off,

appetiser main course dessert
another small one juz b4 landing (din take foto of this one),
a seat dat can also transform into a flatbed, awesome headphones, little bedroom slippers.

and headphones dat ACTUALLY look and feel like headphones

it's so shiok, first thing i did when i got into the room n got the lappie set up was to check if i can upgrade to biz for my return trip and have enough for a free trip somewhere end of the year or early next year.
and i think i can! dat means i dun have to put my krispy kreme under the seat in front of me and have no space to place my feet :D
i hope i get to finish my job by tom and have wed and thur to walk ard to shop and to check out more of melb.
but u're still online and wide awake and still playing mousehunt, robot builder and fish wrangler on fb.
flying to melb on business class was indeed a real pampering experience.
a seat wide enough to sit 1 1/2 of me, as well as a seatbelt w airbag
this is the seat next to mine my personal entertainment centre seatbelt w airbag - who would have thought?
- i was too lazy to get off my arse to take a pic of MY seat,
3 course meal after take off,
appetiser main course dessert
another small one juz b4 landing (din take foto of this one),
a seat dat can also transform into a flatbed, awesome headphones, little bedroom slippers.
and headphones dat ACTUALLY look and feel like headphones
it's so shiok, first thing i did when i got into the room n got the lappie set up was to check if i can upgrade to biz for my return trip and have enough for a free trip somewhere end of the year or early next year.
and i think i can! dat means i dun have to put my krispy kreme under the seat in front of me and have no space to place my feet :D
i hope i get to finish my job by tom and have wed and thur to walk ard to shop and to check out more of melb.
The 30yo Needs New Eyes
Flying off to melbourne in a bit.
but silly me din read my boarding pass after checking in my luggage.
so did a little walkabout in T3, had a little brekkie and headed to my gate.
while waiting for the security checks, i tot i'll read my boarding pass.
and guess wad i saw?

You are invited to the Silver Kris Lounge
felt a little silly lor... it's not like i get to chill in such lounges everytime.
so ya...
den after clearing security, we were told to go to A12 from the current A10 coz they were changing planes.
and i was at A12, we were re-directed to A5. so ya... after brekkie, i got a little walking exercise b4 i sit on my ass for the next 8hrs.
hope i get shopping/gambling/eating time in melb.
guess my flight is gona get delayed since they've got to re-prep the new plane and all dat.
so i guess i'll see u all in summery melbourne!!
but silly me din read my boarding pass after checking in my luggage.
so did a little walkabout in T3, had a little brekkie and headed to my gate.
while waiting for the security checks, i tot i'll read my boarding pass.
and guess wad i saw?
You are invited to the Silver Kris Lounge
felt a little silly lor... it's not like i get to chill in such lounges everytime.
so ya...
den after clearing security, we were told to go to A12 from the current A10 coz they were changing planes.
and i was at A12, we were re-directed to A5. so ya... after brekkie, i got a little walking exercise b4 i sit on my ass for the next 8hrs.
hope i get shopping/gambling/eating time in melb.
guess my flight is gona get delayed since they've got to re-prep the new plane and all dat.
so i guess i'll see u all in summery melbourne!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Was on my way to michelle's place after work to pick up my 'Random Name' stamp so that i can write NTUC Income an official letter, my colleague (let's call him A) called me to ask me abt a job i did this morning. and he was complaining abt how he was given the job last minute b4 he left the office and how the boss always gives him last minute work... blah blah blah...
was kinda pissed w his complaining and all dat coz if u dun wana do, tell the boss la.
so i juz asked him outright if he wanted to do it or not and he said no.
so i told him i'll do it. so mafanic la... and so ROAR!! i dun even know how to describe.
so tom's gona b a busy day, continuing w wad i did today on 1 vessel
and going back to e cursed vessel i was stuck on for 18 days.
lots of work, not much time. but oh well, work's got to be done so let's get it done.
dat's all... got it out of my system liao.
i'm happy again.
muhahaha... last day of work tom den i'm off to melbourne.
so exciting!! flying 7 1/2hrs in business class. *still crossing my fingers dat economy doesn't free up*
i'm a happy camper.
was kinda pissed w his complaining and all dat coz if u dun wana do, tell the boss la.
so i juz asked him outright if he wanted to do it or not and he said no.
so i told him i'll do it. so mafanic la... and so ROAR!! i dun even know how to describe.
so tom's gona b a busy day, continuing w wad i did today on 1 vessel
and going back to e cursed vessel i was stuck on for 18 days.
lots of work, not much time. but oh well, work's got to be done so let's get it done.
dat's all... got it out of my system liao.
i'm happy again.
muhahaha... last day of work tom den i'm off to melbourne.
so exciting!! flying 7 1/2hrs in business class. *still crossing my fingers dat economy doesn't free up*
i'm a happy camper.
And Away I Go Again
Flying off on monday again.
this time to summery melbourne!
on SQ!
and at the moment - business class!!
this time to summery melbourne!
on SQ!
and at the moment - business class!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
Going Where? - Part 2
A wicked twist of fate made me stay for another nite.
tho there's a chance i might have to stay till mon or tue,
I'm Going Home Tomorrow!!
*crosses fingers n toes*
tho there's a chance i might have to stay till mon or tue,
I'm Going Home Tomorrow!!
*crosses fingers n toes*
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Things To Do
Things to do when i get back
1) Get a haircut - it's getting long n messy.
2) Do mani/pedi - especially a pedi. my heels are dry and superly cracked.
3) Apply for leave for march n may. diving in march, BKK in may.
4) Meet up w the ppl i have made dinner plans w but will miss if i dun make it back in time.
5) Meet up w the ppl i usually meet up w for dinner n mj n everything else.
i'm juz glad things are starting to look up a little bit.
bloody murphy has been running ard the vessel creating trouble for everyone.
if only there was some anti-murphy ritual, i'll b sure to perform it.
i think this is the closest i've interacted w him. damn him for coming up w his dumbass law.
and pls remind me to NEVER, EVER name my son murphy, if i ever have a son.
back to work now. took the time to blog while i was copying some stuff into a hdd.
1) Get a haircut - it's getting long n messy.
2) Do mani/pedi - especially a pedi. my heels are dry and superly cracked.
3) Apply for leave for march n may. diving in march, BKK in may.
4) Meet up w the ppl i have made dinner plans w but will miss if i dun make it back in time.
5) Meet up w the ppl i usually meet up w for dinner n mj n everything else.
i'm juz glad things are starting to look up a little bit.
bloody murphy has been running ard the vessel creating trouble for everyone.
if only there was some anti-murphy ritual, i'll b sure to perform it.
i think this is the closest i've interacted w him. damn him for coming up w his dumbass law.
and pls remind me to NEVER, EVER name my son murphy, if i ever have a son.
back to work now. took the time to blog while i was copying some stuff into a hdd.
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