i walked to DFO next to southern cross station. and all i needed was an hour
and i had spent 225. 2 tees from jay jays, 1 tee and 1 polo from mossimo, 1 pair of berms and a pack of 5 pad socks from industrie, and a pair of slippers from aldo.
the loot -
domo rocks n super grover are from jay jays,
the other 2 tops are from mossimo, berms from industrie
and slippers from aldo.
and after walking thru and buying wad i wanted, i brought my loot back to the hotel.
and while packing my stuff, i remembered dat 'Billy Elliot the Musical' is here in melb.
went to google the show and after 10mins, i was at the ticketing counter, buying my ticket for tonite's show @ 7.30pm.
after ticketing, it was time to fill me tumtum coz the show's only abt 2.5hrs away.
and so to swanston st i walked. why?
coz there's where mekong is. ryan swears by dat place i tell u.
hahaha... and i love it too.
the beef is oh-so-tender, the soup so tasty, the serving so big.
and their deep fried spring rolls are good too!
and greedy me bought a packet of rice to takeaway for my late nite snack b4 i head out to crown.
plan to go to melb central for a little more shopping tom and den head out to st kilda's beach and hang out there till evening when the night market starts. as luck will have it, it's happens only every thurs nite and wad do u know? it's thursday nite tom!!
so dat's y i'm gona b there to catch the sunset as well... but the sun doesn't set till abt 8pm.
alrite... gota go and shower up and get ready for billy elliot.
take care everyone! and i'll see u soon!!
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