first, there was the sending off picnic for friggy on sat morning...
everyone was to bring food and all...
so jarrod and i bought 油条, butterfly, haam jim paeng (咸煎饼) and dao sa paeng (豆沙饼).
there was quite a crowd... and i'm glad everyone had a good time...
someone brought a rugby ball, tho a smaller zied one, so we played monkey.
while playing monkey, ewen and i were chasing for the loose ball. somehow both of us couldn't catch the bouncing rugby ball. one moment i tot ewen had it but it bounced off his shin. and the next moment, i kinda kicked it with my heel while trying to get it... and it bounced towards the pond surrounding the symphonic stage... i was like thinking,"shit, gona have to fish it out of the water liao."
but lo and behold, coz of the shape of the ball, it bounced off the edge of the pavement on the end and bounced back onto the pavement and stopped there... quikly ran over to pick it up...
wat a close shave la... almost died of heart attack, tho i have no previous history of high blood pressure, high cholestorol, or heart problems.
after dat incident and a while later, we change to playing touch rugby. it's quite fun.. but not so fun if u have to always pass backwards.
after playing for a while, it was enough proof to hereby declare dat i need to exercise.
i was like panting like mad after dat la...
and i din even play til the end some more. had to stop after a while.. coz really tired liao.
not to mention wet from all the perspiring :)
soon after everyone stopped too... and we noticed the dark clouds from over tanglin mall moving quite v quickly towards us... so we had to very quickly clear everything and move to shelter...
made it in time to get out of the downpour.
went home after taking more fotos w friggy and all at the botanic gardens entrance.
click here for fotos.
rested for a while b4 meeting justin adn steph to play mj. lost like 80 cents... smallest loss in a long while.
went for feast day dinner after dat. food was not bad... the mc for the nite was pretty good.
never got to find out where they were from.
tmg was at the dinner too and she was looking as beautiful as ever...
wonder if i'll ever find another girl as gorgeous...
went home after dinner. some of the cj guys went to study at the airport with the additional motive of trying to catch friggy at the airport to see him off... he's been v secretive abt his flight and all coz he doesn't want the whole world (ok, ok, so many of the youths and parishoners) to see him off at the airport. apparently, even the archbishop doesn't know wat time is his flight. but dat's wat friggy claims.
got an sms from friggy at 5.45am sending his goodbyes. read the message and went back to sleep.
woke up a while later with a feeling of loss. things are gona b different w friggy gone...
but life still goes on.... we've got fr val now... and i'm sure he'll do a good job guiding vc and all.
but i guess friggy has a special place in everyone's heart, being the one who got us together to form the group.
and i'm sure we have a special place in his heart as well...
waking up... and guess what ?
it's 4 sept !! it's my birthday !!
but it was a simple celebration la... went down church as usual.
there weren't as many ppl ard coz most of them went for the dinner e nite b4 and prolly slept in since there was nothing on.
went to spring court for lunch w my family... food was pretty good except for the steamed fish, which wasn't v well done.
compliments to the manager for providing fairly good service. but cnat say much for the waitresses... but they weren't dat bad la.
they're having some promotion... spend at least $76 and u get to buy their peking duck for only 76 CENTS !!
here's proof:

went down to boat quay BK to meet jarrod, michelle and the rest of the ppl after their visit to the asian civilisation museum for the vatican exhibition. i wana go too !! haven't been there yet. anyone interest to go, let me know!! walked there from chinatown point in the drizzle...
but not without first walking for a whole round... coz michelle told me they'll b going for a drink... so i tot they'll be somewhere ard acm. but when i reach merchant court hotel, she told me dat they're going to boat quay... forgetting dat it's juz across the road from the hotel, i walked a whole big round through clarke quay before walking back towards the hotel and crossing the road to boat quay... so stupid rite?
went down town w michelle and jarrod and marcus. walked abt town for a while to look for my foto albums which i need for my training.
den went to LV at taka coz marcus needed to collect his company's laptop bag.
den went to novena square to check out the adidas factory outlet store which is haivng a 30% storewide sale.
bought a small durian cake or my bday cake. and some durian puffs...
had roacky's pizza for dinner.. simple but filling.. den we played 'The Great Dalmuti'
it's quite a fun game... dun really know how to explain... but tihnk i'll try to look for the game if i can..
if not, i'll juz borrow from nigel... or michelle since he's not ard... hehehe...

so played till abt 10plus, 11pm, den went home liao....
time to sleep and prepare for work the next day...
for birthday fotos, click here. but only got a few fotos...
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