tmg came over to pick me up after her work. went to her place for her to change out of her work clothes and off we went to meet her fren who had the tix for the show and den off to te padang. went to the 7-11 at peninsula to buy some food for the show. and this is wat we have on today's menu:

looks quite yummy rite? hahaha...
was quite bored while waiting for the show to start. so tot i take a few fotos here and there...

before the show...

the nite sky behind the screen...

the old supreme where justice is served next door...

tmg serving herself yummilicious maggi mashed potato...
thanks to my bro for providing us w his hammock so dat we've got something to sit on...
without which, we'll be sitting on damp grass.
the only thing i could do with while watching the show was something for me to lie against...
was quite tiring propping myelf up with my hands.
came home after the show... gota wake up early tom morning again...
tihnk i'm slowly getting used to waking up so early liao...
think i'll juz need a little bit more time.
i wana start work liao... i wana meet ppl... i wana help ppl understand their finances.
the company's top producer is giving a talk to us newbies tom morning... i hope i'll learn lotsa good tips from him.
alrite... gota go now... will tell u abt the dinner eug n i cooked a few days ago...
if i dun post abt it soon, remind me ok? ;)
oh u went starlight!
yu.. were u there as well?
got free tix mah.. so go lor.. :)
I didnt go lah. most movies watched liao.
ah... okie.
i wouldn't have gone if the tix weren't free.
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