it's been such a hectic weekend...
first, it was feast day carnival on sunday...
but we had to make the necessary preparations on sat nite...
reached church at abt 8.30 after dinner w mngern @ billy bombers at heeren.
ordered a mixed grill and onion rings with cheese dip... looks good rite?
so hung up the games posters and divided the prizes for the games and set up all the games in preparation for sunday.
so sunday came and we were off to a busy day... running the games stalls, giving out balloons, finding guys to get dressed in the mascot costumes.
the first 2 ppl doing the mascots were keith and byron... keith was the chicken and byron, the bear.

keith getting dressed up while showing his skinny chicken legs.

keith and byron swapping their heads.
after them, up next were myself and i cant rem who... shit. if anyone knows, let me know.
i was e bear. it was quite fun, walking out there, waving to all the ppl and they waving back...
the filipino group grabbed me back for a foto moment after i had walked past their food stall.
they had initially wanted me to go into the cooking area to take the foto but i couldn't fit into the small gap between the stalls,
plus i din wana dirty the costume. so we took the foto in front of the stall.
was walking abt, shaking hands w little children and waving to them.
some of them youths said could tell it was me inside the bear costume coz it was behaving very me. so oh well...
when i was almost done w my round, while i was standing ard shaking hands w this baby... i felt something bump into my leg.
i held my 'head' for fear of it falling off and blowing my cover, and looked down and saw this kid grabbing my leg... hahaha...
so cuuuuuuuute can? u dun get to see such stuff often.
problem w the costume is u cant see wat's below eye-level. so we had to rely on our helpers...
the fine young ladies who walked with us mascots, telling us where to look, where to go,
and giving out balloons to the young in age and the young at heart.
after the 12.15pm mass, it was time to auction fr val away...
he had to first conduct a lucky draw and after dat, he came over to the dunking mahine to be dunked and to collect some money.
and i was the guy u often hear at the hungry ghost festival shouting for bids for the 'lucky items'. but of coz in this case, it was the life of a priest.

Stop wat you're doing and come on over !!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, are we ready to bid?"
"Eh... I very cheap expensive one... $1 $1 million for 3 tries."
"Sianzzz la... 2 persons have tried and failed. I wana get off leh..."

Any bidders? $110 to the gentleman in yellow!"


and now fr's all wet...
the day went on and soon it was time to close shop.
went to travis' house after dat to play mj and have dinner.
jarrod cooked chicken rice... quite good i must say.
think my mj luck not v good lately, lost like almost $12.
i need to get back to winning ways.
training phase 2 has started in my career as a financial advisor.
learnt quite a bit of stuff. shan't say wat.. trade secrets...
if everyone know liao, den i cannot close case den die... hahaha...
if u wana know, join the career, otherwise trust in my expertise to help u attain ur financial goals.
quite amazed at how some of the ppl can come up with such fantastic production.
i hope i can be like them too... dun think i shd "one step reach the sky" and be like our top producer, mr francis peh.
go step by step... aim to be in the 2nd piece of paper first. but no matter wat, i wana earn abt $4000 a month.
like i juz realized isn't as ez as i tot it would from my prev post.
but it's not impossible.
GAMBATEI !! 加油!!
eh .. i dunno why . but for as long as i can remember, you're the one yelling out for the dunking section during the fair.. am i right??? haha.. or is it a case of mistaken identity? deb
yeah... somehow.. it's always me...
gona retire liao... so dun think i'll be doing it anymore...
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