Started work liao...
went down to the company to sign my contract as well as fill in my application to obtain a representative licence. training started today. touched on prospecting clients and how to work around the objections potential clients might throw at me.
quite interesting i must say. how i say things will inevitably cause the prospect to form certain impressions.
according to the trainer, i've gota learn to adjust my tone in accordance w the other party's.
guess these are skills which can only get better w more practice.
there's only 3 of us in this training class... so i guess i'll be seeing them both for the next 3 months plus.
guess they can start selling once this 2 week training is over. but i still gota wait for my licence. will b taking my 4th paper meantime. hope i can clear it b4 i get my licence so dat i can start selling everything once i start my business.
so remember everyone... "I help people manage their finances."
or rather, "I help YOU manage your finances."
hope to get my name cards soon... den can start to give out to ppl. hehehe...
so dun avoid me... coz i'm not juz selling insurance.
i'm selling you financial solutions to achieve your financial goals.
when u make money, i make money. when u have a peace of mind, i have a peace of mind.
sounds like all propoganda rite? but dat's the truth. REALLY, i'm not kidding you.
now i aim to own a car in 2-3 years. if assuming i earn abt $4000 a month, i'll be able to save abt i hope $2000 a month. assuming personal expenditure is at most abt $1600-2000.
den in a year i can save abt $24000. den can save $48000 in 2 years and $72000 in 3 years !!
and i seriously doubt i'll be only earning $4000 a month for the next 3 years. so the potential for more savings by end of 3 years is HUGE !! WOW !!
okie... dis is all assuming everything goes according to plan. of coz in between i'll prolly sign up for a professional certification course to boost my credentials. all these sound so good. i'm sure it wun juz be sounding good if i work towards it. it's become reality.
so here's to my new career as a financial advisor and mayb financial planner in the future.
and mayb possibly financial analyst.
on a slightly less cheery note. stupid me went to look at her fotos. made me miss her again.
mayb i shd go find a day to cry over things... but i'm not a crying person leh...
at most i'll shed a tear. not dat it's not worth crying over... but dat's juz not me.
think i'm the kind who'll bury myself w all kinds of stuff to keep it out of my mind.
wonder if it's healthy. enlighten me, fellow frens.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Starting Work...
Woohoo !!
finally passed the final exam to begin my new career as a financial advisor.
gona b starting work tom. 9am.
the company put up a full page ad in the papers on sat. pg H11.
check it out if u want.
wat a day it's been. sat at mac's at suntec for the whole afternoon revising and making notes and all for the exam.
i'm glad it all paid off !! thanx to all who were praying for me. and many thanx to god for helping me thru it.
now it's time to get my clothes for tom ready. think i'll wear one of my new shirts and pants and tie... heeheehee...
new clothes to start off a new career and new hope for a new life.
finally passed the final exam to begin my new career as a financial advisor.
gona b starting work tom. 9am.
the company put up a full page ad in the papers on sat. pg H11.
check it out if u want.
wat a day it's been. sat at mac's at suntec for the whole afternoon revising and making notes and all for the exam.
i'm glad it all paid off !! thanx to all who were praying for me. and many thanx to god for helping me thru it.
now it's time to get my clothes for tom ready. think i'll wear one of my new shirts and pants and tie... heeheehee...
new clothes to start off a new career and new hope for a new life.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Friggy's Last Weekend
It's friggy's last weekend in sg.
he asked some of us to watch charlie and the choc factory w him on sat morning.
so bryan and myself joined friggy for the show.
after dat, we met michelle k, leslie, michelle eng and jarrod for lunch at the market cafe at merchant court hotel for the buffet lunch. food was not bad. talked and ate.
after dat, bryan went home, while michelle eng met her good fren and godsis to watch betrayal at dbs arts centre i think. so jarrod, mich k, leslie, friggy and myself went down to paragon to shop.
friggy needed to get a hotplate for his trip to the states. and he still wun tell us wat time is his flight and all.
while i needed to get clothes for work. not enough long sleeve shirts and ties to last at least 2 weeks.
jarrod, not being the shopping person (i pity his future gf), went to the national library at taka to do his reading while the 4 of us went to g2000 at wisma to buy my clothes. it wasn't too bad. spent 45mins there, and got myself 4 shirts, 2 pants and 2 ties. spent a grand total of $370.40 :)
could have gotten an additional 15% off if i had ms snooze's discount card. they used to allow customers to quote i/c numbers but now they require customers to produce the card itself. so i called ms snooze to see if she was in town. heard some funny ringtone and i remembered dat she is shopping in bangkok !! dang !!
the cashier told me dat the amt i spent could entitle me to a discount card too but they're not giving them out right now. the discount card giveaway period over liao. so suay rite ?
wanted to not buy the clothes and to go get them when i've gotten the card from her, but saw dat the girl at the cashier had started cutting the tags off the clothes liao. i know as a customer, i prolly have the right to say i dun wana buy liao. but nm la. will need the clothes and wun have time to go shop over the next 2 weekends coz of feast day dinner and carnival.
my church's is having a carnival on 11 sept. do come and look for me if u're coming. den spend a little money and enjoy urself. church is in clementi. above notice not applicable to ppl from holy cross.
anyway... back to my story... after shopping, mich and leslie had to go off coz they had a bbq to go too...
so friggy, j and i went to cine to watch another movie in the evening. so we watched 'the march of the penguins'
it's such a good show, even tho it's some documentary. the penguin chicks are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute la. wana get one for myself also... but it'll b v irresponsible to keep them here in sg's weather. like the evil owner of the huskie who was reported in the papers. or was it the news?
went for dinner at waffletown at balmoral plaza after dat. den went home, went online, watched bone collector and went to sleep.
today was a quieter day... not so many activites. went church as usual. touched on my relationship w tmg during sharing. talked abt how i see god in this, how i'm choosing to cope w it. and if the relationship was worth it. made me think a little. some of the younger peeps were saying they dun wana get into a relationship coz it's all heartaches and heart breaks if things dun turn out well. but guess they dun see the bliss and happiness and joy experienced while in the relationship. and i had all dat. and i'll cherish those times.
it's how no matter how sucky ur day has been and when u hear her voice on the fone at the end of the day, all these troubles juz seem so far away coz the angelic voice will juz bring u the peace and calm u need.
it's how no matter sucky ur week has been and when u see dat beautiful face, u'll forget all the troubles and spend ur weekend in the embrace of ur loved one. it's juz something u cannot experience if u're not in a relationship. having a really close fren is definitely not the same as a gf/bf.
so anyway...after sharing, went to lunch in clementi and went to the snookerium to play ghost squad. it's so cheap there la... it's $2 a credit at most places but it's on $1.20 over there. so played a while and went home. watched tv coz bro was watching his star wars vcd at the comp.
had dinner and watched 'homerun'.
my test is tom. it's gona b the 3rd time i'm taking it... hope it's 3rd time lucky. if i pass, den it's off to work on tue morning. den the clothes will come in handy. think i'll bring my pants to g2000 at westmall to have them altered tom.
it's kind sad dat friggy is gona leave for 2 years. tho he's a priest and all, we've all become frens.
it's been quite an experience to go out dinnering, lunching, movie-ing, shopping and juz discussing church issues w him. i thank god for his presence here in holy cross, for having the vision to bring the different youth groups together and forming vc. i wish him good luck and god's blessings in his studies in chicago.
guess people coming in and moving out of our lives are part and parcel of growing and life.
sometimes ppl enter our lives and make an impact and leave a print somewhere in our hearts.
sometimes ppl enter and leave and nothing is changed.
sometimes ppl enter our lives, make an impact and change our lives.
change is inevitable but how i wish dat change will not b a constant in our lives all the time.
sometimes, i juz wish change will juz leave me alone.
i'm not exactly a change-friendly person. to quote tmg, i'm pretty change averse.
but change will be there and all we can do is to adjust accordingly.
time to sleep liao... tom need to study.
pray for me and wish me luck !!
he asked some of us to watch charlie and the choc factory w him on sat morning.
so bryan and myself joined friggy for the show.
after dat, we met michelle k, leslie, michelle eng and jarrod for lunch at the market cafe at merchant court hotel for the buffet lunch. food was not bad. talked and ate.
after dat, bryan went home, while michelle eng met her good fren and godsis to watch betrayal at dbs arts centre i think. so jarrod, mich k, leslie, friggy and myself went down to paragon to shop.
friggy needed to get a hotplate for his trip to the states. and he still wun tell us wat time is his flight and all.
while i needed to get clothes for work. not enough long sleeve shirts and ties to last at least 2 weeks.
jarrod, not being the shopping person (i pity his future gf), went to the national library at taka to do his reading while the 4 of us went to g2000 at wisma to buy my clothes. it wasn't too bad. spent 45mins there, and got myself 4 shirts, 2 pants and 2 ties. spent a grand total of $370.40 :)
could have gotten an additional 15% off if i had ms snooze's discount card. they used to allow customers to quote i/c numbers but now they require customers to produce the card itself. so i called ms snooze to see if she was in town. heard some funny ringtone and i remembered dat she is shopping in bangkok !! dang !!
the cashier told me dat the amt i spent could entitle me to a discount card too but they're not giving them out right now. the discount card giveaway period over liao. so suay rite ?
wanted to not buy the clothes and to go get them when i've gotten the card from her, but saw dat the girl at the cashier had started cutting the tags off the clothes liao. i know as a customer, i prolly have the right to say i dun wana buy liao. but nm la. will need the clothes and wun have time to go shop over the next 2 weekends coz of feast day dinner and carnival.
my church's is having a carnival on 11 sept. do come and look for me if u're coming. den spend a little money and enjoy urself. church is in clementi. above notice not applicable to ppl from holy cross.
anyway... back to my story... after shopping, mich and leslie had to go off coz they had a bbq to go too...
so friggy, j and i went to cine to watch another movie in the evening. so we watched 'the march of the penguins'
it's such a good show, even tho it's some documentary. the penguin chicks are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute la. wana get one for myself also... but it'll b v irresponsible to keep them here in sg's weather. like the evil owner of the huskie who was reported in the papers. or was it the news?
went for dinner at waffletown at balmoral plaza after dat. den went home, went online, watched bone collector and went to sleep.
today was a quieter day... not so many activites. went church as usual. touched on my relationship w tmg during sharing. talked abt how i see god in this, how i'm choosing to cope w it. and if the relationship was worth it. made me think a little. some of the younger peeps were saying they dun wana get into a relationship coz it's all heartaches and heart breaks if things dun turn out well. but guess they dun see the bliss and happiness and joy experienced while in the relationship. and i had all dat. and i'll cherish those times.
it's how no matter how sucky ur day has been and when u hear her voice on the fone at the end of the day, all these troubles juz seem so far away coz the angelic voice will juz bring u the peace and calm u need.
it's how no matter sucky ur week has been and when u see dat beautiful face, u'll forget all the troubles and spend ur weekend in the embrace of ur loved one. it's juz something u cannot experience if u're not in a relationship. having a really close fren is definitely not the same as a gf/bf.
so anyway...after sharing, went to lunch in clementi and went to the snookerium to play ghost squad. it's so cheap there la... it's $2 a credit at most places but it's on $1.20 over there. so played a while and went home. watched tv coz bro was watching his star wars vcd at the comp.
had dinner and watched 'homerun'.
my test is tom. it's gona b the 3rd time i'm taking it... hope it's 3rd time lucky. if i pass, den it's off to work on tue morning. den the clothes will come in handy. think i'll bring my pants to g2000 at westmall to have them altered tom.
it's kind sad dat friggy is gona leave for 2 years. tho he's a priest and all, we've all become frens.
it's been quite an experience to go out dinnering, lunching, movie-ing, shopping and juz discussing church issues w him. i thank god for his presence here in holy cross, for having the vision to bring the different youth groups together and forming vc. i wish him good luck and god's blessings in his studies in chicago.
guess people coming in and moving out of our lives are part and parcel of growing and life.
sometimes ppl enter our lives and make an impact and leave a print somewhere in our hearts.
sometimes ppl enter and leave and nothing is changed.
sometimes ppl enter our lives, make an impact and change our lives.
change is inevitable but how i wish dat change will not b a constant in our lives all the time.
sometimes, i juz wish change will juz leave me alone.
i'm not exactly a change-friendly person. to quote tmg, i'm pretty change averse.
but change will be there and all we can do is to adjust accordingly.
time to sleep liao... tom need to study.
pray for me and wish me luck !!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Another Busy Day !!
What a day today has been...
first it was back to fairfield for my last day of relief teaching.
bought some kit-kats for them kids. did all the marking i needed to do and gave back all the material i needed for class, etc.
went home and rested for a while b4 leaving for suntec to help out at this voice workshop conducted by vernetta lopez and jessica seet. i'm sure everyone knows v.lo is in radio. but not sure how many of u know dat jessica was in radio too... but she din do much dj-ing... only some w gold 90.5fm. corect if i'm wrong, gold 90.5fm listeners. was there doing simple stuff, like registration and taking fotos. but the workshop was pretty good. they both set up the company called Art of Voice which conducts voice workshops and training courses.
was quite surprise to find out dat they're the first company to do professional voice training in sg. considering dat i'm sure voice training has been ard for quite some time. mayb it's more for singers rather than general speeches and conversations.
so yeah... tonite's workshop was help at the nus guild house at suntec... the place looks damn posh la...
absolutely fabulous. food's not bad too. had samosas during the tea break. and they were those "once u start, u cant stop" kind. but had to stop coz got work to do... hehe...
so a tiring day has passed and another day begins tom. and i'll b waking up early to give tuition.
seems like it's gona b another long day... but after tom, the weekend will b upon us !!
planning to go g2000 on sat to buy some new shirts, pants and maybe ties for work.
almost ran out of clothes while relief teaching. good thing i can wear short sleeve shirts while teaching.
but doubt i can wear those when i start my training as a financial advisor.
gona sleep now... quite tired liao. *yawns*
nitezz ppl !! sweet dreams !!
first it was back to fairfield for my last day of relief teaching.
bought some kit-kats for them kids. did all the marking i needed to do and gave back all the material i needed for class, etc.
went home and rested for a while b4 leaving for suntec to help out at this voice workshop conducted by vernetta lopez and jessica seet. i'm sure everyone knows v.lo is in radio. but not sure how many of u know dat jessica was in radio too... but she din do much dj-ing... only some w gold 90.5fm. corect if i'm wrong, gold 90.5fm listeners. was there doing simple stuff, like registration and taking fotos. but the workshop was pretty good. they both set up the company called Art of Voice which conducts voice workshops and training courses.
was quite surprise to find out dat they're the first company to do professional voice training in sg. considering dat i'm sure voice training has been ard for quite some time. mayb it's more for singers rather than general speeches and conversations.
so yeah... tonite's workshop was help at the nus guild house at suntec... the place looks damn posh la...
absolutely fabulous. food's not bad too. had samosas during the tea break. and they were those "once u start, u cant stop" kind. but had to stop coz got work to do... hehe...
so a tiring day has passed and another day begins tom. and i'll b waking up early to give tuition.
seems like it's gona b another long day... but after tom, the weekend will b upon us !!
planning to go g2000 on sat to buy some new shirts, pants and maybe ties for work.
almost ran out of clothes while relief teaching. good thing i can wear short sleeve shirts while teaching.
but doubt i can wear those when i start my training as a financial advisor.
gona sleep now... quite tired liao. *yawns*
nitezz ppl !! sweet dreams !!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Meeting of old Friends
Met up w ms snooze for lunch today after my HI exam.
went to thai express. had the curry soft shell crab. wasn't too bad.
was really nice meeting up again. think it's different from juz talking online and reading each other's blogs.
but it does cut down on the amt of updating dat needs to be done.
met another old fren from eons ago while we were walking to her car.
she met her fren and it so happens dat his fiancee was a fren from long ago... really long ago.
last i saw her, she was still in sec 4 in stc... now she's all grown up and looking good and getting married.
wow... time really flies.
went home after lunch and bummed at home. went to buy some choc for the kids at school tom.
think i'll need to go buy some shirts and pants for next week. otherwise got nothing to wear to work liao.
prolly need to get a couple of ties as well.
dear god, give me strength to go on.
went to thai express. had the curry soft shell crab. wasn't too bad.
was really nice meeting up again. think it's different from juz talking online and reading each other's blogs.
but it does cut down on the amt of updating dat needs to be done.
met another old fren from eons ago while we were walking to her car.
she met her fren and it so happens dat his fiancee was a fren from long ago... really long ago.
last i saw her, she was still in sec 4 in stc... now she's all grown up and looking good and getting married.
wow... time really flies.
went home after lunch and bummed at home. went to buy some choc for the kids at school tom.
think i'll need to go buy some shirts and pants for next week. otherwise got nothing to wear to work liao.
prolly need to get a couple of ties as well.
dear god, give me strength to go on.
Still Thinking About Her
The morning is not a good one although it's only been abt 1/2hr since i woke up.
unlike the prev days, the first thing dat came to my mind when i woke up is her.
guess after last nite's conversation, things have turned for the worst in some ways.
and it's kinda frightful dat we might not be frens any longer.
it's not dat i do not wish to be frens w her. it's juz i need time away for myself to adjust.
i dun think i am quite capable of seeing her every now and then, which based on recent events, abt every 2 weeks, and still will be able to get over her.
guess rite now, my heart's in a bit of a mess. before last nite, things seemed so clear-cut and straight-forward.
we had broken up and it's time to move on coz she doesn't see us getting back together anyway.
after last nite, found out dat we were only on a break, but it ended up a break up.
tho it's clear and straight-forward once more, it juz seems more 心烦.
things might not have turned out dis bad and might have turned out for the better had the conversation not take place.
spoke to ms snooze and mngern abt it coz i couldn't go sleep. and both gave pretty opposite views. not dat any of them are wrong.
both are rite with their own merits. but i think i've decided to let it go. thanx to both of you for listening.
guess now's the time to pack her stuff and juz keep them in a litte corner of my room.
dun think i have the heart to juz throw them all away. dat'll juz b too cruel and dat'll leave me with nothing to remember those times.
now that this chapter of my life is closed in some way, there's still the bit of getting over her.
i wish her all the best with her career and dat she'll find a guy who'll fit her bill and love her.
the tot of having to lay this 5 1/2 yr old relationship to rest juz saddens me. somehow, it din seem this bad abt a month ago.
unlike the prev days, the first thing dat came to my mind when i woke up is her.
guess after last nite's conversation, things have turned for the worst in some ways.
and it's kinda frightful dat we might not be frens any longer.
it's not dat i do not wish to be frens w her. it's juz i need time away for myself to adjust.
i dun think i am quite capable of seeing her every now and then, which based on recent events, abt every 2 weeks, and still will be able to get over her.
guess rite now, my heart's in a bit of a mess. before last nite, things seemed so clear-cut and straight-forward.
we had broken up and it's time to move on coz she doesn't see us getting back together anyway.
after last nite, found out dat we were only on a break, but it ended up a break up.
tho it's clear and straight-forward once more, it juz seems more 心烦.
things might not have turned out dis bad and might have turned out for the better had the conversation not take place.
spoke to ms snooze and mngern abt it coz i couldn't go sleep. and both gave pretty opposite views. not dat any of them are wrong.
both are rite with their own merits. but i think i've decided to let it go. thanx to both of you for listening.
guess now's the time to pack her stuff and juz keep them in a litte corner of my room.
dun think i have the heart to juz throw them all away. dat'll juz b too cruel and dat'll leave me with nothing to remember those times.
now that this chapter of my life is closed in some way, there's still the bit of getting over her.
i wish her all the best with her career and dat she'll find a guy who'll fit her bill and love her.
the tot of having to lay this 5 1/2 yr old relationship to rest juz saddens me. somehow, it din seem this bad abt a month ago.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Chinatown Heritage Centre
Went to the chinatown heritage centre with the sec 3 kids today as part of their cultural excursion thingy.
the place is not bad... giving background information abt how chinatown came abt and the ppl who left their homelands to come to singapore.
the centre also depicted the kind of lives the migrants led. all the exhibition displays are all pretty well done.
but towards the end of the tour, when i saw one of those old fashioned sewing machines, a sense of nostalgia came over me.
it reminded of the one my grandma used to have when i was much younger and living in clementi.
makes me miss the times when she was alive and how, when i was in pri 1 or 2, she would buy food for me during recess and waited fro me to come down from class. or how she would walk with me to the coffeeshop downstairs to have breakfast b4 i left for eca on sat mornings in sec sch.
how i miss those times when life was carefree and simple. no worries abt bills, income & gfs. everything was so simple. if u dun like someone, u juz dun friend the person. there was no need for hypocrisy, putting on a smile for the ppl u dun like.
called tmg juz now to tell her dat we shdn't see each other. she asked why and i said dat it's not helping me in my wanting to move on and get over things. it's like even tho we only see each every now and den, i'm still reminded of her in my daily contact w other ppl.
guess if she doesn't see us getting back together anytime in the near future, i shd juz let things go and get a move on. not dat i have not and have been holding onto things. but i guess keeping my distance from her will help in not kindling the kind of feelings dat'll juz not help in getting over her.
how i miss her embrace, the smell of her hair, the touch of her skin. how i wish things hadn't turned out the way it is. but i guess it's only for the better dat we're apart now. was thinking abit while going to buy dinner. i juz dun think i can, or anyone for the matter, be giving in all the time and taking the blame for every quarrel we get into. it's quite sad when i wana get out and do stuff but dun have the luxury of the finances to do it.
mahjong seems to be the best option. i kill abt 4-6hrs and i prolly only spend abt $10-20 at most. if i'm lucky, i get paid to spend those hours. :)
i wana thank all my friends for giving me thier support thru this difficult time of my life. i hope i am not intruding too much with my excess free time. wana thank michelle and leslie, jarrod, lil miss snooze and michelle n for your support and encouragement. think i wana thank jarrod esp.
coz he's my gay partner. :) plus he's the only single one. all of my other close frens are attached. and i wish u all the best, esp miss snooze with her loft and her wedding in nov.
the place is not bad... giving background information abt how chinatown came abt and the ppl who left their homelands to come to singapore.
the centre also depicted the kind of lives the migrants led. all the exhibition displays are all pretty well done.
but towards the end of the tour, when i saw one of those old fashioned sewing machines, a sense of nostalgia came over me.
it reminded of the one my grandma used to have when i was much younger and living in clementi.
makes me miss the times when she was alive and how, when i was in pri 1 or 2, she would buy food for me during recess and waited fro me to come down from class. or how she would walk with me to the coffeeshop downstairs to have breakfast b4 i left for eca on sat mornings in sec sch.
how i miss those times when life was carefree and simple. no worries abt bills, income & gfs. everything was so simple. if u dun like someone, u juz dun friend the person. there was no need for hypocrisy, putting on a smile for the ppl u dun like.
called tmg juz now to tell her dat we shdn't see each other. she asked why and i said dat it's not helping me in my wanting to move on and get over things. it's like even tho we only see each every now and den, i'm still reminded of her in my daily contact w other ppl.
guess if she doesn't see us getting back together anytime in the near future, i shd juz let things go and get a move on. not dat i have not and have been holding onto things. but i guess keeping my distance from her will help in not kindling the kind of feelings dat'll juz not help in getting over her.
how i miss her embrace, the smell of her hair, the touch of her skin. how i wish things hadn't turned out the way it is. but i guess it's only for the better dat we're apart now. was thinking abit while going to buy dinner. i juz dun think i can, or anyone for the matter, be giving in all the time and taking the blame for every quarrel we get into. it's quite sad when i wana get out and do stuff but dun have the luxury of the finances to do it.
mahjong seems to be the best option. i kill abt 4-6hrs and i prolly only spend abt $10-20 at most. if i'm lucky, i get paid to spend those hours. :)
i wana thank all my friends for giving me thier support thru this difficult time of my life. i hope i am not intruding too much with my excess free time. wana thank michelle and leslie, jarrod, lil miss snooze and michelle n for your support and encouragement. think i wana thank jarrod esp.
coz he's my gay partner. :) plus he's the only single one. all of my other close frens are attached. and i wish u all the best, esp miss snooze with her loft and her wedding in nov.
Monday, August 22, 2005
The Weekend
The weekend went fine...
went to benedict's house on sat for house blessing and lunch. after which we had a meeting for confi class the next day.
food was quite good, esp the curry mutton. too bad bro din bring home the cam batt charger, otherwise there might be pictures to show.
after dat went down to river valley rd for a bbq organise by the wonderful ppl from st bernadette's. thanx u all !! appreciate it.
and many thanx to janice for the pressie. talked to some of the peeps whom i haven't really got to talk with- vivian and inka.
during our conversation, they came to a conclusion dat this is the season for breaking up coz vivian had also juz broken up with her bf.
and i also found out on sunday dat one of jarrod's fren also had broken up recently. of coz vivian, inka and kristel also had some frens who had also broken up recently. this is kinda spooky leh... dun think it's coz of the lunar 7th month rite? mine happened b4 dat. so it cant be...
so anyway... after bbq, sat down, talked abit when the security guard chased us away, we went up to jeremy's house.
intrigued by the scenery, stacie, acra, kenneth and cynthia went to the balcony and chris and i promptly locked them out. hehehehe...
after which, we pretended to leave, but returned into the house by the back door. watched an episode of the family guy. was hilarious coz it was a parody of charlie and the choc factory.
halfway thru the show, acra called. she needed the loo. but evil us made them watch for abt another 10 more mins until the show ended b4 we went to release them. after dat, we left the place. decided to go to rochor to have daohuay for supper. so krystal, who was driving her dad's superly old volvo, jonathan and i went down in one car, while chris drove in the other with acra, stacie and cynthia. managed to find an empty space to park the car shortly we arrived coz someone left. so krystal attempted her first parallel park. with some help (from moi, of coz) she parked the car in one attempt. and she's so proud of dat... :)
went home and it was time to go bedoo after my bath.
sunday was the usual in the morning... YL, sharing and helping benedict w class. had ppc exco meeting after class, so din have lunch.
during meeting jarrod sms-ed me abt going to michelle's place for dinner. and dat he was bringing my xbox along and asked me to bring another controller. so dat's wat i did after meeting. went home, got the controller and went down to michelle's place.
while waiting for jarrod, michelle, leslie, lynette and i played mj. looks like my luck isn't so good lately.
had dinner when jarrod came, and we played the xobx for a while. played dead or alive extreme volleyball. i won all of them !!
if only this could apply to mj. coz after dat, jarrod took over michelle and he was like winning la...
and if winning wasn't enough, his wins were all 自摸. if not, when i was waiting for my winning card for a big win, he will win the game with some small worthless hand. ARGH !!
played till abt 11.30 and i went home liao...
looks like my weekends are gona be somewat like dis... either mj or stay home.
someone ask me out leh... but cannot spend too much money also... no income. *grinz*
finished reading harry potter and the half blood prince. the book cheat my feelings la.
how can the book end in such suspense? so who has gotten the horcrux? wat happened to snape and malfoy?
somehow i'm suspecting the potions textbook is one of the horcrux. tho it's said dat the book belongs to snape's mum's.
oh well... now i've gota wait for duno how long b4 i get to find out wat's gona happen.
and i've gotten my guess wrong. i had guess dat it might have been ron who died in the story... never quite expected it to b dumbledore.
quite a twist of events. this will prolly mean harry is competent enough to go face voldemort on his own liao...
rowling, pls dun take too long wit hthe next book. looks like now i've gota look fwd to the goblet of fire movie.
gona b going to school later tom. coz gona help a chinese teacher bring 2 classes out for an excursion.
she was speaking in mandarin w me abt tom's plans. i could understand her but had only a slight problem articulating but managed to somehow.
gona b studying for my health insurance paper on wed. i REALLY hope i pass dis time. cannot fail liao.
oh... anyone interested in watching seven swords, wedding crashers, the maid or valiant ?
went to benedict's house on sat for house blessing and lunch. after which we had a meeting for confi class the next day.
food was quite good, esp the curry mutton. too bad bro din bring home the cam batt charger, otherwise there might be pictures to show.
after dat went down to river valley rd for a bbq organise by the wonderful ppl from st bernadette's. thanx u all !! appreciate it.
and many thanx to janice for the pressie. talked to some of the peeps whom i haven't really got to talk with- vivian and inka.
during our conversation, they came to a conclusion dat this is the season for breaking up coz vivian had also juz broken up with her bf.
and i also found out on sunday dat one of jarrod's fren also had broken up recently. of coz vivian, inka and kristel also had some frens who had also broken up recently. this is kinda spooky leh... dun think it's coz of the lunar 7th month rite? mine happened b4 dat. so it cant be...
so anyway... after bbq, sat down, talked abit when the security guard chased us away, we went up to jeremy's house.
intrigued by the scenery, stacie, acra, kenneth and cynthia went to the balcony and chris and i promptly locked them out. hehehehe...
after which, we pretended to leave, but returned into the house by the back door. watched an episode of the family guy. was hilarious coz it was a parody of charlie and the choc factory.
halfway thru the show, acra called. she needed the loo. but evil us made them watch for abt another 10 more mins until the show ended b4 we went to release them. after dat, we left the place. decided to go to rochor to have daohuay for supper. so krystal, who was driving her dad's superly old volvo, jonathan and i went down in one car, while chris drove in the other with acra, stacie and cynthia. managed to find an empty space to park the car shortly we arrived coz someone left. so krystal attempted her first parallel park. with some help (from moi, of coz) she parked the car in one attempt. and she's so proud of dat... :)
went home and it was time to go bedoo after my bath.
sunday was the usual in the morning... YL, sharing and helping benedict w class. had ppc exco meeting after class, so din have lunch.
during meeting jarrod sms-ed me abt going to michelle's place for dinner. and dat he was bringing my xbox along and asked me to bring another controller. so dat's wat i did after meeting. went home, got the controller and went down to michelle's place.
while waiting for jarrod, michelle, leslie, lynette and i played mj. looks like my luck isn't so good lately.
had dinner when jarrod came, and we played the xobx for a while. played dead or alive extreme volleyball. i won all of them !!
if only this could apply to mj. coz after dat, jarrod took over michelle and he was like winning la...
and if winning wasn't enough, his wins were all 自摸. if not, when i was waiting for my winning card for a big win, he will win the game with some small worthless hand. ARGH !!
played till abt 11.30 and i went home liao...
looks like my weekends are gona be somewat like dis... either mj or stay home.
someone ask me out leh... but cannot spend too much money also... no income. *grinz*
finished reading harry potter and the half blood prince. the book cheat my feelings la.
how can the book end in such suspense? so who has gotten the horcrux? wat happened to snape and malfoy?
somehow i'm suspecting the potions textbook is one of the horcrux. tho it's said dat the book belongs to snape's mum's.
oh well... now i've gota wait for duno how long b4 i get to find out wat's gona happen.
and i've gotten my guess wrong. i had guess dat it might have been ron who died in the story... never quite expected it to b dumbledore.
quite a twist of events. this will prolly mean harry is competent enough to go face voldemort on his own liao...
rowling, pls dun take too long wit hthe next book. looks like now i've gota look fwd to the goblet of fire movie.
gona b going to school later tom. coz gona help a chinese teacher bring 2 classes out for an excursion.
she was speaking in mandarin w me abt tom's plans. i could understand her but had only a slight problem articulating but managed to somehow.
gona b studying for my health insurance paper on wed. i REALLY hope i pass dis time. cannot fail liao.
oh... anyone interested in watching seven swords, wedding crashers, the maid or valiant ?
Friday, August 19, 2005
End of the Week !!
Yay !!
it's friday... means no more kids.
today was a good day. the kids din give me much trouble.
mayb coz i told them if they cannot keep quiet, i'll revoke the privilege for them to discuss their work in groups and listen to their mp3 players in class. and i'll only give them 3 chances b4 i take action.
luckily they were 'automatic' enough not to push their luck.
started reading potter yesterday. i know i abit slow la...
been bz looking for new job and all since i ord-ed.
borrowed the book from mel geow.
listening to the radio now... it's been a long time.
it's doctor mix on class95. think i'm a ultimate retro guy.
i dig the music, i dig the fashion.
gime the bell bottoms, and uberly flare-collared shirts and i'll b a happy boy :)
dat's y mambo used to b a good place to go...
i say used to coz now at 27, too old liao. all the other ppl there all geenna kia.
all the poly and uni peepurl.
registered online to be a macdonald's member. so i can collect points and get free burgers.
but it's not like i go there to eat all the time. but registration is free so wad the heck...
gona need to hit the health insurance books again soon...
must pass the next time round.
it's friday... means no more kids.
today was a good day. the kids din give me much trouble.
mayb coz i told them if they cannot keep quiet, i'll revoke the privilege for them to discuss their work in groups and listen to their mp3 players in class. and i'll only give them 3 chances b4 i take action.
luckily they were 'automatic' enough not to push their luck.
started reading potter yesterday. i know i abit slow la...
been bz looking for new job and all since i ord-ed.
borrowed the book from mel geow.
listening to the radio now... it's been a long time.
it's doctor mix on class95. think i'm a ultimate retro guy.
i dig the music, i dig the fashion.
gime the bell bottoms, and uberly flare-collared shirts and i'll b a happy boy :)
dat's y mambo used to b a good place to go...
i say used to coz now at 27, too old liao. all the other ppl there all geenna kia.
all the poly and uni peepurl.
registered online to be a macdonald's member. so i can collect points and get free burgers.
but it's not like i go there to eat all the time. but registration is free so wad the heck...
gona need to hit the health insurance books again soon...
must pass the next time round.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
About a Pregnant Girl and the Father
Was reading thru and chanced upon this post by the pregnant girl's ex-bf.
tot it was rather objective of the blogger, yuhui, to not pass judgement until the guy's story was heard.
so this story comes to a close.
and i hope that the baby's parents and their families can work things out in the best interest of the baby.
okie.. gona have to mark hw now.
can kpmg give me a call for an interview, PWEEEEZZZZZZ ???
tot it was rather objective of the blogger, yuhui, to not pass judgement until the guy's story was heard.
so this story comes to a close.
and i hope that the baby's parents and their families can work things out in the best interest of the baby.
okie.. gona have to mark hw now.
can kpmg give me a call for an interview, PWEEEEZZZZZZ ???
Relief Teaching (Cont'd) & The Church of Mormon
I'm into day 3 of my relief teaching stint.
was a babysitter yesterday.
today was abt the same too. gave out worksheets and make sure they dun make too much noise.
brought 3I to the computer lab today. made them do a little research on this 'iceman' they read abt in class the past 2 days.
glad dat most of them are making the effort. some of them juz wana play. others juz want extra attention.
but other than dat, they're good kids.
i hope i will not have to shout at them in anger to get them to behave or book them for an appt with the discipline master.
but somehow, i've got a feeling i might juz have to do dat for one of the boys.
oh well...
failed my health insurance exam today. wun be able to retake it until 2 weeks later.
hope it'll b enough time for me to study somemore and pass it the next time round.
on another note, saw 2 elders from the church of mormon juz now on the way home.
they were elder hou and elder mower. i was like hoping they wun talk to me... not in the mood la.
elder hou was the one doing the talking. elder mower looked like he was the bodyguard ready to'mow' down anyone who tried to attack elder hou.
pun intended ok? so must laugh ah.
so he was talking w this guy sitting opp me. couldn't make out wat they talked abt.
den he tried talking to the malay sitting on his other side after the first guy had to alight from the train.
but the malay guy juz wanted to sleep. so he got up and talked to mower b4 coming to my side.......
luckily he talked to this student sitting next to me. and asked if he was a doctor. the kid was reading his bio notes.
elder hou also quite stupid... how can such a young kid possibly b a doc?
anyway, the kid replied dat he wasn't and he was a student and he was studying his bio notes.
bio notes was on human body. but of coz it's all the funny cheem cheem stuff la. not the simple kind u see in encyclopedias.
reminded me of the time cheryl lim and i were stopped by these 2 guys from the church of mormon.
i still remembered the guy's name was elder walker. cant remember what the other guy's name was.
so he was talking and gave me the book of mormon. but cheryl heard wrongly and she tot he said the book of moron.
so ya... the difference e letter 'm' makes.
oh well.... got homework to mark.
1 1/2 more weeks to go b4 my teaching stint ends and i will be $520 richer.
was a babysitter yesterday.
today was abt the same too. gave out worksheets and make sure they dun make too much noise.
brought 3I to the computer lab today. made them do a little research on this 'iceman' they read abt in class the past 2 days.
glad dat most of them are making the effort. some of them juz wana play. others juz want extra attention.
but other than dat, they're good kids.
i hope i will not have to shout at them in anger to get them to behave or book them for an appt with the discipline master.
but somehow, i've got a feeling i might juz have to do dat for one of the boys.
oh well...
failed my health insurance exam today. wun be able to retake it until 2 weeks later.
hope it'll b enough time for me to study somemore and pass it the next time round.
on another note, saw 2 elders from the church of mormon juz now on the way home.
they were elder hou and elder mower. i was like hoping they wun talk to me... not in the mood la.
elder hou was the one doing the talking. elder mower looked like he was the bodyguard ready to'mow' down anyone who tried to attack elder hou.
pun intended ok? so must laugh ah.
so he was talking w this guy sitting opp me. couldn't make out wat they talked abt.
den he tried talking to the malay sitting on his other side after the first guy had to alight from the train.
but the malay guy juz wanted to sleep. so he got up and talked to mower b4 coming to my side.......
luckily he talked to this student sitting next to me. and asked if he was a doctor. the kid was reading his bio notes.
elder hou also quite stupid... how can such a young kid possibly b a doc?
anyway, the kid replied dat he wasn't and he was a student and he was studying his bio notes.
bio notes was on human body. but of coz it's all the funny cheem cheem stuff la. not the simple kind u see in encyclopedias.
reminded me of the time cheryl lim and i were stopped by these 2 guys from the church of mormon.
i still remembered the guy's name was elder walker. cant remember what the other guy's name was.
so he was talking and gave me the book of mormon. but cheryl heard wrongly and she tot he said the book of moron.
so ya... the difference e letter 'm' makes.
oh well.... got homework to mark.
1 1/2 more weeks to go b4 my teaching stint ends and i will be $520 richer.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Relief Teaching Day 1
After one day, i have come to the conclusion dat teaching isn't my thing.
mayb coz i dun have the experience or mayb i only relief teacher, so not very sure of the culture.
but teaching 3 sec 1 classes dis morning is enough to almost kill my throat.
must remember to bring water bottle tom.
the sec 3 class i'm teaching is not too bad. some of the guys really make an effort to pay attention.
i hope they'll stay dat way until the 2 weeks end.
some of them, of coz, juz switched off and slept on their desks.
teaching them english wasn't as bad as i had tot it'll b.
it's reliefing the other teachers on an adhoc basis, with no lesson plan that is a headache.
on another note, JARROD!!! my fingers still smell of onions !! thanx to all dat chopping of the shallots.
after one day and lots of washing in between, the smell still lingers. >.< *yuck*
going for mass later. it's assumption today. day of obligation. so ppl !!
mayb coz i dun have the experience or mayb i only relief teacher, so not very sure of the culture.
but teaching 3 sec 1 classes dis morning is enough to almost kill my throat.
must remember to bring water bottle tom.
the sec 3 class i'm teaching is not too bad. some of the guys really make an effort to pay attention.
i hope they'll stay dat way until the 2 weeks end.
some of them, of coz, juz switched off and slept on their desks.
teaching them english wasn't as bad as i had tot it'll b.
it's reliefing the other teachers on an adhoc basis, with no lesson plan that is a headache.
on another note, JARROD!!! my fingers still smell of onions !! thanx to all dat chopping of the shallots.
after one day and lots of washing in between, the smell still lingers. >.< *yuck*
going for mass later. it's assumption today. day of obligation. so ppl !!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Stupid Blogspot
Wrote a long post.
but everything disppeared after i selected everything to resize the post.
stoooopid blogspot.
it's happened b4 but i was still in the mood to re-type everything.
not tonite.
need to wake up early tom.
teaching liao. need to wake up at 5.45am to reach school by 7.15am.
earliest i've woken up in 4 months.
ps. i hope they dun kill my acct for calling them stoopid :)
but everything disppeared after i selected everything to resize the post.
stoooopid blogspot.
it's happened b4 but i was still in the mood to re-type everything.
not tonite.
need to wake up early tom.
teaching liao. need to wake up at 5.45am to reach school by 7.15am.
earliest i've woken up in 4 months.
ps. i hope they dun kill my acct for calling them stoopid :)
Friday, August 12, 2005
Day of Tests !!
Today is wat i call a day of tests.
went for an interview at Fugro dis morning. the place is like at tuas la. no bus goes there.
so had to cab there from jurong point.
it's a dutch company dealing in surveying services and the like.
i applied for a survey engineer position.
had to go through a written test which tested my knowledge of my sec school physics - ohm's law,
and digital & analogue electronics which included logic gates and the like. luckily i could remember some of them :)
after which had a practical exam to see how i would test a computer cable to see which pin on one end of the cable is connected to which other pin on the other end. luckily i had some idea. except dat i was using the wrong range on the multimeter (was using megaohm, instead of ohm.) i'm sorry if the non-engineering ppl reading this have no idea wat i'm talking abt. den had to use an oscilloscope and a generator to produce a 100kHz sine wave with 1V peak-to-peak. managed to get the settings rite on the generator, but no sine wave appeared on the oscilloscope.
the manager went on to tell me abt job scope, leave benefits, and pay.
i get 21 days leave + one day for every sat and sunday i'm offshore.
i also get a basic pay of abt $2k + a daily offshore allowance of usd60 a day.
but i'll be offshore for abt 7 mths every year, with each trip lasting from abt 4-6 weeks.
pay is good, job scope is not bad, but i dun think i wana b away from family and frens for 7 mths...
of coz the other 5 months can be covered by the leave accummulated. and can also go back to the company for training courses and such to preserve leave.
was a little late by the time the interview ended.
so cabbed down to fairfield methodist sec sch to let them verify my educational qualifications.
gona start teaching on monday. they called me at 7am to ask me if i could teach today. i had to reject them.
so got my temp pass, 3 whiteboard markers (black, blue & red, if u're wondering...), a copy of the english handbook and the teacher's lesson plan. english is no longer taught the way it was 11 years ago.
i hope i will b able to execute the lesson plan. HELP!!
den rushed down to suntec to take my second paper to get my certification to be a financial advisor.
finished it in an hour and passed it. think i'm born w the innate nature to be able to finish my exams fast.
very rarely do i stay for the entire duration of an exam.
met up with the manager from financial firm after dat. had a little talk w him, gona meet up w him again next thur after i've cleared my 3rd paper next wed. den gona fill in my application form to be a financial advisor. gona b another 4-6 weeks b4 i can officially go out to meet clients and close deals.
hope my savings can tahan. i'm pretty certain i wana do this and make a successful career out of this.
i have very good vibes of the career so pray for me that i'll b able to make it in this industry.
i've been thinking of how i wana market myself, how to differentiate myself from the other agencies and create a niche market. think i'm gona target my ex-colleagues at 111 sqn first. hehe...
met john, my cat high classmate, to collect my mont blanc docu bag from him. only $75.
asked him to help me get one coz he was going to china for work.
he gave adrian chong an alfred dunhill one the last time we met up.
so ends my day... gona rest. tom going to give physics tuition...
went for an interview at Fugro dis morning. the place is like at tuas la. no bus goes there.
so had to cab there from jurong point.
it's a dutch company dealing in surveying services and the like.
i applied for a survey engineer position.
had to go through a written test which tested my knowledge of my sec school physics - ohm's law,
and digital & analogue electronics which included logic gates and the like. luckily i could remember some of them :)
after which had a practical exam to see how i would test a computer cable to see which pin on one end of the cable is connected to which other pin on the other end. luckily i had some idea. except dat i was using the wrong range on the multimeter (was using megaohm, instead of ohm.) i'm sorry if the non-engineering ppl reading this have no idea wat i'm talking abt. den had to use an oscilloscope and a generator to produce a 100kHz sine wave with 1V peak-to-peak. managed to get the settings rite on the generator, but no sine wave appeared on the oscilloscope.
the manager went on to tell me abt job scope, leave benefits, and pay.
i get 21 days leave + one day for every sat and sunday i'm offshore.
i also get a basic pay of abt $2k + a daily offshore allowance of usd60 a day.
but i'll be offshore for abt 7 mths every year, with each trip lasting from abt 4-6 weeks.
pay is good, job scope is not bad, but i dun think i wana b away from family and frens for 7 mths...
of coz the other 5 months can be covered by the leave accummulated. and can also go back to the company for training courses and such to preserve leave.
was a little late by the time the interview ended.
so cabbed down to fairfield methodist sec sch to let them verify my educational qualifications.
gona start teaching on monday. they called me at 7am to ask me if i could teach today. i had to reject them.
so got my temp pass, 3 whiteboard markers (black, blue & red, if u're wondering...), a copy of the english handbook and the teacher's lesson plan. english is no longer taught the way it was 11 years ago.
i hope i will b able to execute the lesson plan. HELP!!
den rushed down to suntec to take my second paper to get my certification to be a financial advisor.
finished it in an hour and passed it. think i'm born w the innate nature to be able to finish my exams fast.
very rarely do i stay for the entire duration of an exam.
met up with the manager from financial firm after dat. had a little talk w him, gona meet up w him again next thur after i've cleared my 3rd paper next wed. den gona fill in my application form to be a financial advisor. gona b another 4-6 weeks b4 i can officially go out to meet clients and close deals.
hope my savings can tahan. i'm pretty certain i wana do this and make a successful career out of this.
i have very good vibes of the career so pray for me that i'll b able to make it in this industry.
i've been thinking of how i wana market myself, how to differentiate myself from the other agencies and create a niche market. think i'm gona target my ex-colleagues at 111 sqn first. hehe...
met john, my cat high classmate, to collect my mont blanc docu bag from him. only $75.
asked him to help me get one coz he was going to china for work.
he gave adrian chong an alfred dunhill one the last time we met up.
so ends my day... gona rest. tom going to give physics tuition...
No title...
Had a terrible nightmare last nite.
dreamt dat tmg went out w my bro.
think it was something like we were all out at some holiday thingy or soemthing.
den there she was in a absolutely beautiful dress. pastel green i think.
i may seem like an uly color but u shd have seen it in my dream. she was juz gorgeous.
den think somehow got into a quarrel and she went off arm in arm w my bro, who was dressed in a suit.
he looked pretty smart, i have to admit.
den i woke up. it was juz too scary to sleep on.
this is not good. i'm supposed to be trying to get over it and move on.
guess deep down i do wish we could get back together.
shd see less of her if i wana move on. was doing quite fine until i was spending a little too much time w her over the national day holiday.
read this girl's blog abt her heartless ex-bf. got the link from blinkymummy.
looks like i'm like one of those avid blog readers. hahaha.
think it all started w mr brown.
here's her blog description:
My ex-boyfriend and I had been dating for 8 months. On July 20 2005, our 8th month anniversary, he broke up with me when I told him that I was 11 weeks pregnant with his child. This blog records my thoughts, reflections and feelings of dealing with this unwanted pregnancy.
although i dun agree w his choice, i shall not comment, coz i really wouldn't know wat i'll do if it happened to me.
so shall not judge, lest i be judged.
gona sleep now. got interview tom, den got my module 5 exam at 1.35pm. den meeting up with a manager who was from phillip capital for another round of interviews. it's gona b a busy day.
wish me luck and pray for me!!
dreamt dat tmg went out w my bro.
think it was something like we were all out at some holiday thingy or soemthing.
den there she was in a absolutely beautiful dress. pastel green i think.
i may seem like an uly color but u shd have seen it in my dream. she was juz gorgeous.
den think somehow got into a quarrel and she went off arm in arm w my bro, who was dressed in a suit.
he looked pretty smart, i have to admit.
den i woke up. it was juz too scary to sleep on.
this is not good. i'm supposed to be trying to get over it and move on.
guess deep down i do wish we could get back together.
shd see less of her if i wana move on. was doing quite fine until i was spending a little too much time w her over the national day holiday.
read this girl's blog abt her heartless ex-bf. got the link from blinkymummy.
looks like i'm like one of those avid blog readers. hahaha.
think it all started w mr brown.
here's her blog description:
My ex-boyfriend and I had been dating for 8 months. On July 20 2005, our 8th month anniversary, he broke up with me when I told him that I was 11 weeks pregnant with his child. This blog records my thoughts, reflections and feelings of dealing with this unwanted pregnancy.
although i dun agree w his choice, i shall not comment, coz i really wouldn't know wat i'll do if it happened to me.
so shall not judge, lest i be judged.
gona sleep now. got interview tom, den got my module 5 exam at 1.35pm. den meeting up with a manager who was from phillip capital for another round of interviews. it's gona b a busy day.
wish me luck and pray for me!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Today's A Good Day!!
A couple of good things happened today.
firstly, i passed the CMFAS module 9 exam dis afternoon.
one down, 3 more papers to go before i get my full licence to be a financial planner.
den fairfield methodist sec sch called. they need a relief teacher for abt 2 weeks. yay!
this means i'll b getting a little income for me to buy some new clothes to overhaul my wardrobe.
cant meet clients in jeans and tees. G2000 here i come.. once i get my pay.
but it'll mean i gota spend my evenings studying for my other papers.
i do hope i pass my module 5 dis friday.
hope everyone spent their national day well.
went for fr val's thanksgiving mass in the morning den had lunch.
played mj in the afternoon with justin, steph and tmg.
lost abt $18. dang... not a good run lately.
gota try to turn my luck ard. hahaha...
oh well... gona meet up with the teacher i'll b relieving tom.
i understand i'll be teaching english. they asked me if i could teach art. i said no.
how can i teach art? i only can teach how to doodle, which even some 3-4 yo kid can do to his house walls.
bro borrowed my camera. so no foto opportunities for this week.
think ever since i started blogging, i've been looking out for interesting things to take fotos of.
looking at things ard me dat might be interesting.
oh well... i hope the school will pay me decently well... i'm hoping $12/hr minimum.
forgot to ask how much they'll be paying. i'll check w them tom.
goodnite! and sweet dreams!
firstly, i passed the CMFAS module 9 exam dis afternoon.
one down, 3 more papers to go before i get my full licence to be a financial planner.
den fairfield methodist sec sch called. they need a relief teacher for abt 2 weeks. yay!
this means i'll b getting a little income for me to buy some new clothes to overhaul my wardrobe.
cant meet clients in jeans and tees. G2000 here i come.. once i get my pay.
but it'll mean i gota spend my evenings studying for my other papers.
i do hope i pass my module 5 dis friday.
hope everyone spent their national day well.
went for fr val's thanksgiving mass in the morning den had lunch.
played mj in the afternoon with justin, steph and tmg.
lost abt $18. dang... not a good run lately.
gota try to turn my luck ard. hahaha...
oh well... gona meet up with the teacher i'll b relieving tom.
i understand i'll be teaching english. they asked me if i could teach art. i said no.
how can i teach art? i only can teach how to doodle, which even some 3-4 yo kid can do to his house walls.
bro borrowed my camera. so no foto opportunities for this week.
think ever since i started blogging, i've been looking out for interesting things to take fotos of.
looking at things ard me dat might be interesting.
oh well... i hope the school will pay me decently well... i'm hoping $12/hr minimum.
forgot to ask how much they'll be paying. i'll check w them tom.
goodnite! and sweet dreams!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Wat A Busy Weekend...
Saturday, 6 aug 2005
went running with jarrod. it's so tiring la !!
duno how i'm gona pass my ippt.
went to j's house to bathe and all, den we went to michelle's house for dinner. YAY!
wat a sumptious meal we had!
there was curry veg, prawns, roast chicken, cod fish, delifrance baugette and cockles(?).
dinner at the kaws is never complete without wine and fruits.
it's always so nicely cut that it makes u wana eat fruits even if u're not a fruit eater :)
lazed in the tv room, and watched "the fantastic 4". after which we played mj,
the world's best game. haha...
we din even finished 1 round. had to end at 西风 coz it was abt 3 in the am by den and j and lynette and i had to wake up in a few hours to go to church.
so we ended, with me losing $12. so suay... plus taxi fare home, it cost me $20 altogether.
sunday, 7 aug 2005
woke up at like 8am after going to sleep at abt 3plus 4am?
superly stoned lor. went down church to meet cheryl to go to st bernadette's only to find out she was at home... -__-
but she was so nice to come by church to pick me up den we went on to st bern's.
the kids were getting confirmed and it's a nice feeling to see another batch of youths getting confirmed and becoming full-fledged members of the catholic church, given the power and talents to bring god to the ppl ard them.
i do hope they will find their calling in service to god in st bern's.
met tmg for lunch after dat, and we went to her place to help her investigate a cockroach sighting in her room.
so i checked behind the desk, shleves and cabinets only to find nothing. so juz sprayed lots of baygon to make sure nothing survives.
went down to church of the holy family for deacon val's ordination mass at 5.30pm. so i saw the archbishop twice in a single day.
was sitting in the gallery but couldn't see much. but it was alrite... val and damien were getting ordained together having come from the same parish. it was truly a joyious occasion for both families who are so alike in many ways.
went back to holy cross and we went to clem central for dinner. it was a truly amazing dinner.
there were eugene, stacie, myself, acra, jonathan, lanxi and jarrod.
we were at the coffeeshop from abt 8.45 to abt 11.30pm.
we spent abt 45mins eating and the next couple of hours talking abt our ministries in vc and the problems we are facing and the possible problems to come in the future. as well as talk abt possible solutions for the problems raised.
it was truly a fruitful discussion. i think we all gained a better understanding of each other's ministries even tho we are involved and see each other every week.
cabbed home, courtesy of my bro, who owes me $$... debtors are always good. accounting 101 - debtors = assets. how true.
monday, 8 aug 2005
i almost went mad today.
the whole world was dressed in red.
i was prepared to be dressed in red as well...
my own shirt to be soaked red in my blood...
it was an overkill lor. students were all in red,
the aunties who were in red, also happily walking ard with theirgrandkids whom they have so nicely dressed in red as well,
so dat everyone is colour co-ordinated.
went down to financial alliance to sit in at their weekly meeting this morning.
managed to stay awake except for the occasional visit to lalaland . luckily the visits were short ones. so din miss much of the meeting.
met tmg after the meeting to go watch 'charlie and the chocolate factory'. it's quite a funny show with quite a few dark moments.
walked ard town for a while after the movie. den came home liao.
gona sleep soon... but feeling a little hungry from the fairly early laksa dinner at hv.
oh well... gota wake up early tom.
prev deacon, now rev fr val is celebrating his thanksgiving mass inhoyl holy cross tom.
followed by lunch... yum.
went running with jarrod. it's so tiring la !!
duno how i'm gona pass my ippt.
went to j's house to bathe and all, den we went to michelle's house for dinner. YAY!
wat a sumptious meal we had!
there was curry veg, prawns, roast chicken, cod fish, delifrance baugette and cockles(?).
dinner at the kaws is never complete without wine and fruits.
it's always so nicely cut that it makes u wana eat fruits even if u're not a fruit eater :)
lazed in the tv room, and watched "the fantastic 4". after which we played mj,
the world's best game. haha...
we din even finished 1 round. had to end at 西风 coz it was abt 3 in the am by den and j and lynette and i had to wake up in a few hours to go to church.
so we ended, with me losing $12. so suay... plus taxi fare home, it cost me $20 altogether.
sunday, 7 aug 2005
woke up at like 8am after going to sleep at abt 3plus 4am?
superly stoned lor. went down church to meet cheryl to go to st bernadette's only to find out she was at home... -__-
but she was so nice to come by church to pick me up den we went on to st bern's.
the kids were getting confirmed and it's a nice feeling to see another batch of youths getting confirmed and becoming full-fledged members of the catholic church, given the power and talents to bring god to the ppl ard them.
i do hope they will find their calling in service to god in st bern's.
met tmg for lunch after dat, and we went to her place to help her investigate a cockroach sighting in her room.
so i checked behind the desk, shleves and cabinets only to find nothing. so juz sprayed lots of baygon to make sure nothing survives.
went down to church of the holy family for deacon val's ordination mass at 5.30pm. so i saw the archbishop twice in a single day.
was sitting in the gallery but couldn't see much. but it was alrite... val and damien were getting ordained together having come from the same parish. it was truly a joyious occasion for both families who are so alike in many ways.
went back to holy cross and we went to clem central for dinner. it was a truly amazing dinner.
there were eugene, stacie, myself, acra, jonathan, lanxi and jarrod.
we were at the coffeeshop from abt 8.45 to abt 11.30pm.
we spent abt 45mins eating and the next couple of hours talking abt our ministries in vc and the problems we are facing and the possible problems to come in the future. as well as talk abt possible solutions for the problems raised.
it was truly a fruitful discussion. i think we all gained a better understanding of each other's ministries even tho we are involved and see each other every week.
cabbed home, courtesy of my bro, who owes me $$... debtors are always good. accounting 101 - debtors = assets. how true.
monday, 8 aug 2005
i almost went mad today.
the whole world was dressed in red.
i was prepared to be dressed in red as well...
my own shirt to be soaked red in my blood...
it was an overkill lor. students were all in red,
the aunties who were in red, also happily walking ard with theirgrandkids whom they have so nicely dressed in red as well,
so dat everyone is colour co-ordinated.
went down to financial alliance to sit in at their weekly meeting this morning.
managed to stay awake except for the occasional visit to lalaland . luckily the visits were short ones. so din miss much of the meeting.
met tmg after the meeting to go watch 'charlie and the chocolate factory'. it's quite a funny show with quite a few dark moments.
walked ard town for a while after the movie. den came home liao.
gona sleep soon... but feeling a little hungry from the fairly early laksa dinner at hv.
oh well... gota wake up early tom.
prev deacon, now rev fr val is celebrating his thanksgiving mass in
followed by lunch... yum.
Friday, August 05, 2005
What A Week !!
It's been quite a busy week this week.
went for CMFAS M9 tutorial lessons on tue, wed and thur.
boy, was it tiring... but at least it's helping me in my understanding of the subject.
now i need to clear the exam next wed.
was walking around town when i saw this on the hoarding ard the construction dat was going on at centrepoint.

click on image for a clearer view
it was pretty interesting coz it isn't your typical "danger,keep out!" or "sorry for the inconvenience caused" messages you always see.
so came home, and looked through all my insurance policies and i juz realized i need one with a much higher cover than $42,000.
enough to feed who, u tell me?
think i'm pretty certain i wana walk the path of a financial planner, so ppl who have no idea wat financial planning is all about,
ping me... i'll try to explain in my limited capacity for now. once i've gotten more knowledge and all, i can give u a better explanation.
so shd i call u up for a chat in the future, dun reject me ok? i wun force u to buy anything from me.
i promise. the honour of a gentleman.
if i DO end up forcing or pestering u to buy something, refer to this post and i'll leave u alone.
but as a friend, i also only want the best for u. u want ur money to grow, i also want your money to grow, coz den mine will also grow...
so u're happy coz u're $$ grow, and i'm happy coz mine's growing also ;)
okie? so dun shun me ok? i'm your friend...
went for CMFAS M9 tutorial lessons on tue, wed and thur.
boy, was it tiring... but at least it's helping me in my understanding of the subject.
now i need to clear the exam next wed.
was walking around town when i saw this on the hoarding ard the construction dat was going on at centrepoint.

click on image for a clearer view
it was pretty interesting coz it isn't your typical "danger,keep out!" or "sorry for the inconvenience caused" messages you always see.
so came home, and looked through all my insurance policies and i juz realized i need one with a much higher cover than $42,000.
enough to feed who, u tell me?
think i'm pretty certain i wana walk the path of a financial planner, so ppl who have no idea wat financial planning is all about,
ping me... i'll try to explain in my limited capacity for now. once i've gotten more knowledge and all, i can give u a better explanation.
so shd i call u up for a chat in the future, dun reject me ok? i wun force u to buy anything from me.
i promise. the honour of a gentleman.
if i DO end up forcing or pestering u to buy something, refer to this post and i'll leave u alone.
but as a friend, i also only want the best for u. u want ur money to grow, i also want your money to grow, coz den mine will also grow...
so u're happy coz u're $$ grow, and i'm happy coz mine's growing also ;)
okie? so dun shun me ok? i'm your friend...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Some Fotos Are Ready!!
Juz downloaded some fotos taken at tioman from the cam.
not many fotos coz was either diving or resting.
diving can be quite siong if u have to swim to the dive boat in not so friendly waves.
anyway, these fotos can be found here.
will post the fotos i took underwater once i can get them scanned.
anyone willing to help me out ?
ping me ok?
not many fotos coz was either diving or resting.
diving can be quite siong if u have to swim to the dive boat in not so friendly waves.
anyway, these fotos can be found here.
will post the fotos i took underwater once i can get them scanned.
anyone willing to help me out ?
ping me ok?
Monday, August 01, 2005
I'm Back!!
I'm back !!
what a wonderful trip it was...
the lodging wasn't exactly of 3 star quality, but at least the room is air-conditioned and there are warm water showers...
Fri, 29 july 2005
left concourse on fri nite at 8pm. was travelling on a minivan. went by the 2nd link.
the entire journey to mersing took 4 hrs. had a supper break half way.
reached the motel at abt 12.05am and stayed over. nice little bed w a blanket, hot shower.
watched a malaysian chinese drama serial. quite amused by their accent and mix of chinese and dialect.
remember one character said," 不要 gha jiao 我 kor."
some bits were unbelievably unrealistic, but it was entertaining enough.
there was a mozzie flying ard. tried to kill it but to no avail.
slept at 1am. luckily the mozzie din disturb my sleep.
Sat, 30 july 2005
woke up at 6 the next morning. packedup, had breakfast. simple bread and peanut butter and coffee/tea bfast.
it's kind of cheap white loaf of bread they serve at kopi tiams when u buy roti kaya.
wasn't interested in the peanut butter, so juz ate 2 slices of bread.
shortly after, we went to the jetty to board the boat to tioman.
was a fairly long journey. but the morning sun was a sight to behold.
will post fotos in the next post.
after that, it was wiping the sea water off my face as the wakes splash in through the window.
after abt an hour or so, we reached tioman, the boat docked next to our dive boat, so we transferred our gear to the dive boat.
grabbed our personal bags and boarded a smaller boat that took us to shore.
checked-in and got ready for dive 1.
dive #1
went into the water at 10.20am. couldn't stand the taste of the seawater. i was constantly spitting into the sea. while floating at the surface.
instructor descended and told us to go down one by one. so with mask on and regulator in my mouth, i descended when it was my turn.
felt the pressure in my ears as i went down. panicked for a sec coz i wasn't prepared for it. so finned up a little bit and equalized.
the feeling is kind of like wat u feel when u're taking the elevator up swissotel the stamford to equinox.
but once i was at the bottom, it was fantastic all the way...
we did some drills which we were taught during our pool lessons. clearing our regulator, recovering our reg, clearing our masks, fin pivot and hovering as well as practice drill for a out of air situation.
after dat we went up to the surface and did a few more drills, but shan't bore u with dat.
after dat, we went back to shore, had lunch which was quite good i must say.
rested for a while, den we went out for our 2nd dive.
dive #2
did a few more drills, den we were off scuba diving !!
diving is so awesome when u're not doing drills. our instructor took us ard, showed us some of the plants and animals under the sea.
he showed us the crown of thorns (poisonous!!), sea cucumber, anemone and a ball looking thingy which i cant rem what it is. only rem he said dat it belonged to the starfish family.
there was a group of japanese divers who were sharing the dive boat w us. one of them started throwing up over the side of the boat shortly after she came back up. she was juz hurling away. the japs have such 'cute' apparel. one of them had a green hood which had a flower lookng thingy on top. so we called her the 'flower lady'. another had a set of pink fins, snorkel, mask, booties and gloves.
dive #3
this was a 'kai-kai' dive. brought my camera down. took some fotos of some fishies, corals, nemo and his home.
saw a nudie branch which kinda looked like a bluish color caterpillar.
was really amazing looking and enjoying the sights of the underwat er world.
shortly after we surfaced and got on the boat, the sky kinda darkened a bit and the sea got alittle choppier.
the boat was like rocking left and right forming abt a 45deg angle. was pretty bad. we couldnt' leave yet coz we were waiting for the jpa divers to surface. the water was superly choppy where they surfaced. was so bad that the platform at the back of the boat was like abt 1m off the water at some points.
so the boatman threw a bouy with a rope attached to the boat and towed the divers who held onto it to calmer waters so that they could board.
the first lady came up sans fins. and we asked her where were her fins. she happily replied, " oh, i lost them! " she seemed pretty happy abt it. next one up passed us his video cam which looked pretty cool. my instructor was holding onto it and he was like trying to operate it and see wat videos they took. but couldn't do anything... all the labels on the video cam were in japanese. cant read 'a-no-nae'.
picked them all up after 2 passes. went back to shore, showered and got ready for dinner.
went for dinner with e instructors and a couple of other guys who went on the trip with us. one of the guys knew the owner of a resort further down the coast, so we had to take a boat ride from the jetty to the resort. the boatman quite good coz he had to make his way through in darkness. saw bio-luminence in the surf as the boat sped along. it was so beautiful.
had a bbq seafood dinner which was great. had bbq sotong, fish, satay, curry prawns, fried chicken wings.
took the boat back after dinner. saw the other diver guys having drinks at the bar so we joined them. they were like happily drinking can after can. i only had a can of heineken. was like feeling kinda sleepy and was completely flushed after one can.
i'm such a lousy drinker rite? but after a while, not so sleepy liao. but was still a little tired from the diving and all.
went back at abt 1.30am and went to sleep at abt 2am.
Sun, 31 july 2005
woke up at 8am. had breakfast of toasties, baked beans, fried egg, hot dog and fries.
shortly after it was dive 4.
dive #4
dis was the best dive of all. saw lots of stuff. saw sting ray, stone fish and a turtle. managed to get pretty close to them, esp the turtle.
saw two absolutely beautiful schools of fish. it was juz amazing. but wat sucked was i forgot to bring my cam along !! @#$%&%#%^!
surfaced and rested for a while before we went for our final dive.
dive #5
this was our final dive of the trip. we were already certified divers by then. only needed 4 dives to be certified.
our instructor said he's got a tradition for his students. they are to dive w/o wetsuits for their 'graduation dive'.
so dat's wat we did, dived in our swimming trunks. the water felt cold at first when i juz entered but after descending and swimming along, it's wasn't dat bad. saw lots of sea urchins (another touch no-no) along the seabed. but also saw quite a number of fishes. like the trigger fish, which was quite big. and saw nemo again. this time, my intructor was like trying to catch it in his hands. seemed so nice to play with.
will it e next time i dive.
it's amazing how the corals which looked solid are the brittle ones and those which looked fragile are the hard corals.
but most of the hard corals look like brains.
soon, it was all over... *sobs*
back to shore, showered, packed up and had lunch.
logged our dives and it's off to mainland m'sia.
took another long journey back. the captain of the boat was quite a good driver, evreyone on board seemed to have gotten wet in some way by the waves and splashes from the surf. this indian lady got it quite bad. i, on the other hand was superly dry coz i was sitting behind the captain. i was the only person who had his window fully opened throughout the whole journey.
reached mersing jetty, had a ramly burger, and we were off to singapore.
another 4 hour journey brought us back to concourse. unloaded our stuff, exchanged email addresses and we left.
had dinner with friggy. ate at geylang. my gay partner had to cook dinner coz it was his dad's birthday.
had the geylang beef kuay teow and frog porridge. also had sweet and sour pork. yum yum...
went home, unpacked, and it's off to bed.
my back is kinda burnt. had to sleep on my front and side last nite.
slobbed a chunk of jergens ultra healing lotion on my shoulders.
it's better now. but still bought a bottle of jergens soothing aloe relief to ease the pain at the shoulders and back.
off to bed now. got training lessons tom for my M9 exam paper next week. need to pass to be a financial advisor.
what a wonderful trip it was...
the lodging wasn't exactly of 3 star quality, but at least the room is air-conditioned and there are warm water showers...
Fri, 29 july 2005
left concourse on fri nite at 8pm. was travelling on a minivan. went by the 2nd link.
the entire journey to mersing took 4 hrs. had a supper break half way.
reached the motel at abt 12.05am and stayed over. nice little bed w a blanket, hot shower.
watched a malaysian chinese drama serial. quite amused by their accent and mix of chinese and dialect.
remember one character said," 不要 gha jiao 我 kor."
some bits were unbelievably unrealistic, but it was entertaining enough.
there was a mozzie flying ard. tried to kill it but to no avail.
slept at 1am. luckily the mozzie din disturb my sleep.
Sat, 30 july 2005
woke up at 6 the next morning. packedup, had breakfast. simple bread and peanut butter and coffee/tea bfast.
it's kind of cheap white loaf of bread they serve at kopi tiams when u buy roti kaya.
wasn't interested in the peanut butter, so juz ate 2 slices of bread.
shortly after, we went to the jetty to board the boat to tioman.
was a fairly long journey. but the morning sun was a sight to behold.
will post fotos in the next post.
after that, it was wiping the sea water off my face as the wakes splash in through the window.
after abt an hour or so, we reached tioman, the boat docked next to our dive boat, so we transferred our gear to the dive boat.
grabbed our personal bags and boarded a smaller boat that took us to shore.
checked-in and got ready for dive 1.
dive #1
went into the water at 10.20am. couldn't stand the taste of the seawater. i was constantly spitting into the sea. while floating at the surface.
instructor descended and told us to go down one by one. so with mask on and regulator in my mouth, i descended when it was my turn.
felt the pressure in my ears as i went down. panicked for a sec coz i wasn't prepared for it. so finned up a little bit and equalized.
the feeling is kind of like wat u feel when u're taking the elevator up swissotel the stamford to equinox.
but once i was at the bottom, it was fantastic all the way...
we did some drills which we were taught during our pool lessons. clearing our regulator, recovering our reg, clearing our masks, fin pivot and hovering as well as practice drill for a out of air situation.
after dat we went up to the surface and did a few more drills, but shan't bore u with dat.
after dat, we went back to shore, had lunch which was quite good i must say.
rested for a while, den we went out for our 2nd dive.
dive #2
did a few more drills, den we were off scuba diving !!
diving is so awesome when u're not doing drills. our instructor took us ard, showed us some of the plants and animals under the sea.
he showed us the crown of thorns (poisonous!!), sea cucumber, anemone and a ball looking thingy which i cant rem what it is. only rem he said dat it belonged to the starfish family.
there was a group of japanese divers who were sharing the dive boat w us. one of them started throwing up over the side of the boat shortly after she came back up. she was juz hurling away. the japs have such 'cute' apparel. one of them had a green hood which had a flower lookng thingy on top. so we called her the 'flower lady'. another had a set of pink fins, snorkel, mask, booties and gloves.
dive #3
this was a 'kai-kai' dive. brought my camera down. took some fotos of some fishies, corals, nemo and his home.
saw a nudie branch which kinda looked like a bluish color caterpillar.
was really amazing looking and enjoying the sights of the underwat er world.
shortly after we surfaced and got on the boat, the sky kinda darkened a bit and the sea got a
the boat was like rocking left and right forming abt a 45deg angle. was pretty bad. we couldnt' leave yet coz we were waiting for the jpa divers to surface. the water was superly choppy where they surfaced. was so bad that the platform at the back of the boat was like abt 1m off the water at some points.
so the boatman threw a bouy with a rope attached to the boat and towed the divers who held onto it to calmer waters so that they could board.
the first lady came up sans fins. and we asked her where were her fins. she happily replied, " oh, i lost them! " she seemed pretty happy abt it. next one up passed us his video cam which looked pretty cool. my instructor was holding onto it and he was like trying to operate it and see wat videos they took. but couldn't do anything... all the labels on the video cam were in japanese. cant read 'a-no-nae'.
picked them all up after 2 passes. went back to shore, showered and got ready for dinner.
went for dinner with e instructors and a couple of other guys who went on the trip with us. one of the guys knew the owner of a resort further down the coast, so we had to take a boat ride from the jetty to the resort. the boatman quite good coz he had to make his way through in darkness. saw bio-luminence in the surf as the boat sped along. it was so beautiful.
had a bbq seafood dinner which was great. had bbq sotong, fish, satay, curry prawns, fried chicken wings.
took the boat back after dinner. saw the other diver guys having drinks at the bar so we joined them. they were like happily drinking can after can. i only had a can of heineken. was like feeling kinda sleepy and was completely flushed after one can.
i'm such a lousy drinker rite? but after a while, not so sleepy liao. but was still a little tired from the diving and all.
went back at abt 1.30am and went to sleep at abt 2am.
Sun, 31 july 2005
woke up at 8am. had breakfast of toasties, baked beans, fried egg, hot dog and fries.
shortly after it was dive 4.
dive #4
dis was the best dive of all. saw lots of stuff. saw sting ray, stone fish and a turtle. managed to get pretty close to them, esp the turtle.
saw two absolutely beautiful schools of fish. it was juz amazing. but wat sucked was i forgot to bring my cam along !! @#$%&%#%^!
surfaced and rested for a while before we went for our final dive.
dive #5
this was our final dive of the trip. we were already certified divers by then. only needed 4 dives to be certified.
our instructor said he's got a tradition for his students. they are to dive w/o wetsuits for their 'graduation dive'.
so dat's wat we did, dived in our swimming trunks. the water felt cold at first when i juz entered but after descending and swimming along, it's wasn't dat bad. saw lots of sea urchins (another touch no-no) along the seabed. but also saw quite a number of fishes. like the trigger fish, which was quite big. and saw nemo again. this time, my intructor was like trying to catch it in his hands. seemed so nice to play with.
will it e next time i dive.
it's amazing how the corals which looked solid are the brittle ones and those which looked fragile are the hard corals.
but most of the hard corals look like brains.
soon, it was all over... *sobs*
back to shore, showered, packed up and had lunch.
logged our dives and it's off to mainland m'sia.
took another long journey back. the captain of the boat was quite a good driver, evreyone on board seemed to have gotten wet in some way by the waves and splashes from the surf. this indian lady got it quite bad. i, on the other hand was superly dry coz i was sitting behind the captain. i was the only person who had his window fully opened throughout the whole journey.
reached mersing jetty, had a ramly burger, and we were off to singapore.
another 4 hour journey brought us back to concourse. unloaded our stuff, exchanged email addresses and we left.
had dinner with friggy. ate at geylang. my gay partner had to cook dinner coz it was his dad's birthday.
had the geylang beef kuay teow and frog porridge. also had sweet and sour pork. yum yum...
went home, unpacked, and it's off to bed.
my back is kinda burnt. had to sleep on my front and side last nite.
slobbed a chunk of jergens ultra healing lotion on my shoulders.
it's better now. but still bought a bottle of jergens soothing aloe relief to ease the pain at the shoulders and back.
off to bed now. got training lessons tom for my M9 exam paper next week. need to pass to be a financial advisor.
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